
Poster Papers by Session Number

Monday | Tuesday | Thursday

As an example, session number MO101 represents:
MO (Monday) 1 (Session: 1, 2, 3.. or P for Poster Sessions) 01 (Order of Presentation)

The number on the left of the PDF icon is the page number for this paper on the written version of the Proceedings, in case you may want to reference any of these papers.


POSTER SESSION: Monday, August 26 14:20-18:00
Chairman: V. Teplyakov

MOP01 RFQ-, Chopping- and Funneling-Studies for the ESS-Injector-Linac
A. Schempp, J. Madlung, A. Firjahn-Andersch, H. Deitinghoff, G. Parisi
J.W. Goethe University
47 MOP01.pdf
MOP02 RF-Properties of the VE-RFQ-Injector for the ISL-Cyclotron
O. Engels, A. Schempp, H. Homeyer, W. Pelzer
J.W. Goethe University, HMI-Berlin
50 MOP02.pdf
MOP03 Design of Compact RFQs
A. Schempp
J.W. Goethe University
53 MOP03.pdf
MOP04 Experiments with Heavy-Ion Beams and RF-Tests with the 27 MHz High-Current Spiral-RFQ-Prototype
U. Bessler, A. Schempp, T. Sieber, J. Klabunde, P. Spädtke
J.W. Goethe University, GSI
56 MOP04.pdf
MOP05 A Novel Design for Ion Beam Funneling by the Use of a Two-Beam RFQ and a Multigap-Deflector
J. Madlung, A. Firjahn-Andersch, A. Schempp, H. Zimmermann
J.W. Goethe University
59 MOP05.pdf
MOP06 Beam Dynamics Calculations for the Acceleration of Different Ions in a Heavy Ion Linac
H. Deitinghoff, G. Parisi, A. Sauer, M. Pabst
J.W. Goethe University, Jülich
62 MOP06.pdf
MOP08 A Study of Beam Chopping Options for the ATLAS Positive Ion Linac
R.C. Pardo, J.M. Bogaty, B.E. Clifft
65 MOP08.pdf
MOP09 A Low-Frequency RFQ for a Low-Charge-State Injector for ATLAS
K.W. Shepard, W.C. Sellyey
68 MOP09.pdf
MOP10 Plasma Modified Production of High-Current High-Purity cw H+, D+ , and H- Beams from Microwave-Driven Sources
D. Spence, K.R. Lykke, G.E. McMichael
71 MOP10.pdf
MOP11 The ANL 50 MeV H- Injector - 35 Year Anniversary
V. Stipp, F. Brumwell, G. McMichael
74 MOP11.pdf
MOP12 The CEBAF RF Separator System
C. Hovater, G. Arnold, J. Fugitt, L. Harwood, R. Kazimi, G. Lahti, J. Mammosser, R. Nelson, C. Piller, L. Turlington
Thomas Jefferson Lab.
77 MOP12.pdf
MOP14 Investigation of Space Charge Compensated Transport by Use of a Gabor Plasma Lens
J. Pozimski, R. Dölling, P. Gross, H. Klein
J.W. Goethe University
80 MOP14.pdf
MOP15 Investigation of Space Charge Compensation with Residual Gas Ion Energy Analyser
R. Dölling, J. Pozimski, P. Gross, P. Spädtke, J. Klabunde
J.W. Goethe University, GSI
83 MOP15.pdf
MOP16 Design and Construction of Standing Wave Accelerating Structures at TUE
R.W. de Leeuw, J.I.M. Botman, C.J. Timmermans, W.J.G.M. Kleeven, H.L. Hagedoorn
Eindhoven University
86 MOP16.pdf
MOP17 Electromagnetic Fields in Periodic Linear Travelling-Wave Structures
J.P. Pruiksma, R.W. de Leeuw, J.I.M. Botman, H.L. Hagedoorn, A.G. Tijhuis
Eindhoven University
89 MOP17.pdf
MOP18 The 75 MeV Racetrack Microtron Eindhoven
W.H.C. Theuws, J.I.M. Botman, H.L. Hagedoorn, R.W. de Leeuw, C.J. Timmermans
Eindhoven University
92 MOP18.pdf
MOP19 Operational Status of PLS 2-GeV Electron Linac
I.S. Ko, M.H. Cho, J.S. Bak, J. Choi, H.S. Lee, W. Namkung
95 MOP19.pdf
MOP20 Current Status of Control System for PLS 2-GeV Linac
I.S. Ko, J.H. Kim, J.M. Kim, S.C. Kim, G.S. Lee, J. Choi, W. Namkung
98 MOP20.pdf
MOP21 Klystron-Modulator System Availability of PLS 2 GeV Electron Linac
M.H. Cho, S.S. Park, J.S. Oh, W. Namkung
101 MOP21.pdf
MOP22 Conclusions from the LISA Superconducting Linac Experience
M. Castellano, L. Catani, M. Ferrario, M. Minestrini, P. Patteri, F. Tazzioli, S. Tazzari
INFN-Frascati, INFN-Roma
104 MOP22.pdf
MOP23 A High Current Proton Linac with 352 MHz SC Cavities
C. Pagani, G. Bellomo, P. Pierini
107 MOP23.pdf
MOP24 Preliminary Results on Niobium Sputtered Films Inside TESLA Type Cavities
M. Minestrini, M. Ferrario, W. DeMasi, V. Merlo, S. Tazzari
INFN-Frascati, INFN-Roma
110 MOP24.pdf
MOP26 Progress Update on the Development of the 3He Linac for PET Isotope Production
P. Young, D. Sun, D. Larson, R. Pasquinelli, K. Anderson, F. Bieniosek, C.W. Schmidt, M. Popovic, E. McCrory, R. Webber, J. Link, K. Krohn, J. Bida
Science Applications, Fermilab, Washington University, Biomedical Research Foundation
113 MOP26.pdf
MOP27 Operating Performances and Current Status of the Laser Injector Complex Facility (LIC)
M.I. Ayzatsky, E.Z. Biller, A.N. Dovbnya, V.A. Kushnir, V.V. Mitrochenko, L.V. Reprintzev, D.L. Stepin
Kharkov Inst. of Physics and Technology
116 MOP27.pdf
MOP28 Development of Inhomogeneous Disk-Loaded Accelerating Waveguides and RF-Coupling
M.I. Ayzatsky, E.Z. Biller
Kharkov Inst. of Physics and Technology
119 MOP28.pdf
MOP29 Optimization of Ion Source Extraction and Transport with Symbolic Manipulation Programs: Electrostatic Lenses Formulas
M. Cavenago
122 MOP29.pdf
MOP30 The New Superconducting Positive Ion Injector for the Legnaro ALPI Booster
A. Lombardi, G. Bassato, A. Battistella, M. Bellato, G. Bezzon, G. Bisoffi, S. Canella, M. Cavenago, F. Cervellera, F. Chiurlotto, M. Comunian, R. Cortese, A. Facco, P. Favaron, G. Fortuna, M.F. Moisio, V. Palmieri, R. Pengo, A. Pisent, M. Poggi, A.M. Porcellato, L. Ziomi, I. Kulik, A. Kolomiets, S. Yaramishev
INFN-Legnaro, ILTPE-Kharkuv, ITEP
125 MOP30.pdf
MOP31 A New Matcher Type Between RFQ and IH-DTL for the GSI High Current Heavy Ion Prestripper Linac
U. Ratzinger, R. Tiede
128 MOP31.pdf
MOP32 Space Charge Dominated Beam Transport in the 1.4 MeV/u-UNILAC-Stripper Section
W. Barth, J. Glatz, J. Klabunde, U. Ratzinger
131 MOP32.pdf
MOP33 High-Intensity Low Energy Beam Transport Design Studies for the New Injector Linac of the Unilac
W. Barth, L. Dahl, J. Klabunde, C. Mühle, P. Spädtke
134 MOP33.pdf
MOP34 Design and Wakefield Performance of the New SLC Collimators
F.-J. Decker, K. Bane, P. Emma, E. Hoyt, C. Ng, G. Stupakov, J. Turner, T. Usher, S. Virostek, D. Walz
137 MOP34.pdf
MOP35 Long-Range Wakefields and Split-Tune Lattice at the SLC
F.-J. Decker, C.E. Adolphsen, R. Assmann, K. Bane, K. Kubo, M. Minty, P. Raimondi, T. Raubenheimer, R. Ruth, W.L. Spence
140 MOP35.pdf
MOP36 Higher Order Beam Jitter in the SLC Linac
F.-J. Decker, C.E. Adolphsen, B. Podobedov, P. Raimondi
143 MOP36.pdf
MOP37 The Brown-Servranckx Matching Transformer for Simultaneous RFQ to DTL H+ and H- Matching
E.A. Wadlinger, R.W. Garnett
146 MOP37.pdf
MOP38 Beam Self-Excited RF Cavity Driver for a Deflector or Focusing System
E.A. Wadlinger
148 MOP38.pdf
MOP39 Beam-Bunching with a Linear-Ramp Including Space-Charge Force Effects Cylinder Model
E.A. Wadlinger
151 MOP39.pdf
MOP40 Induction Linear Accelerators for Physics Diagnostics
H.L. Rutkowski, W.A. Barletta
154 MOP40.pdf
MOP41 All-Electrostatic Split LEBT Test Results
J.W. Staples, M.D. Hoff, C.-F. Chan
157 MOP41.pdf
MOP42 The Electron Gun for the Daresbury SRS Linac
D.M. Dykes
160 MOP42.pdf
MOP43 Ion Source Development and Operation at GSI
P. Spädtke, J. Bossler, H. Emig, K.D. Leible, M. Khaouli, C. Mühle, S. Schennach, H. Schulte, K. Tinschert
163 MOP43.pdf
MOP44 Feasibility of Short Wavelength, Short Pulse Laser Ion Source for the LHC Injector
J. Wolowski, P. Parys, E. Woryna, J. Krása, L. Láska, K. Masek, K. Rohlena
Inst. of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Acad. Sci. of the Czech Republic
166 MOP44.pdf
MOP45 Ion Emission from High-Z Laser Plasmas
K. Rohlena, B. Králiková, L. Láska, K. Masek, M. Pfeifer, J. Skála, P. Straka, J. Farny, J. Wolowski, E. Woryna, W. Mroz, A. Golubev, B. Sharkov, A. Shumshurov, H. Haseroth, H. Kugler, K. Langbein, J. Tambini
Acad. Sci. of the Czech Republic, Inst. of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, MUT, ITEP, CERN
169 MOP45.pdf
MOP46 Smooth Ion Energy Tuning in Linear Accelerator
A. Shalnov, B. Bogdanovich, A. Nesterovich
172 MOP46.pdf
MOP47 Beam Loading Effects in Linacs with Resonant Loaded RF-Power Upgrade System
A. Shalnov, B. Bogdanovich, A. Ignatyev, V. Senyukov
175 MOP47.pdf
MOP48 RF-field Generation in Wide Frequency Range by Electron Beam
B. Bogdanovich, A. Nesterovich, S. Minaev
178 MOP48.pdf
MOP49 Recent Status of FCI: PIC Simulation of Coupled-Cavity Structure
T. Shintake
181 MOP49.pdf
MOP50 C-band Main Linac RF System for e+e- Linear Collider of 0.5 to 1.0 TeV C.M. Energy
T. Shintake, N. Akasaka, K. Kubo, H. Matsumoto, S. Matsumoto, S. Takeda, K. Oide, K. Yokoya, P. Pearce, H.S. Lee, M.H. Cho, K. Watanabe, O. Takeda, H. Baba
184 MOP50.pdf
MOP51 Performance of the RF-Source for the KEKB Linac
S. Fukuda, S. Michizono, Y. Saito, K. Nakao, S. Anami
187 MOP51.pdf
MOP52 DESY Linac-III Upgrade Study
S.K. Esin, L.V. Kravchuk, V.A. Moiseev, P.N. Ostroumov, V.V. Paramonov, W. Ebeling, N. Holtkamp, A. Febel, M. Nagl, J. Maidment
190 MOP52.pdf
MOP53 A Three Dimensional Bunch Shape Monitor for the CERN Proton Linac
S.K. Esin, V.A. Gaidash, A.V. Feschenko, A.V. Liiou, A.N. Mirzojan, A.A. Menshov, A.V. Novikov, P.N. Ostromov, O. Dubois, H. Kugler, L. Soby, D.J. Williams
193 MOP53.pdf
MOP54 Study of Beam Parameters of the CERN Proton LINAC Using a Three Dimensional Bunch Shape Monitor
A.V. Feschenko, A.V. Liiou, P.N. Ostroumov, O. Dubois, H. Haseroth, C. Hill, H. Kugler, A. Lombardi, F. Naito, E. Tanke, M. Vretenar
196 MOP54.pdf
MOP55 The Status of DESY H- Sources
J. Peters
199 MOP55.pdf
MOP57 Space-Charge Neutralization Experiment with a Low-Energy Proton Beam
P.Y. Beauvais, J.M. Lagniel, N. Pichoff, G. Haouat, P. Chaix
CEA-Saclay, CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel
202 MOP57.pdf
MOP58 The Saclay High-Current Proton and Deuteron ECR Source
P.-Y. Beauvais, O. Delferriere, A. France, R. Ferdinand, R. Gobin, J.M. Lagniel, P.A. Leroy, A. Farchi
CEA-Saclay, CEA-Grenoble
205 MOP58.pdf
MOP59 Intense Ion Beam Transport and Space Charge Redistribution
B.I. Bondarev, A.P. Durkin, B.P. Murin
MRI Moscow
208 MOP59.pdf
MOP60 Study of Space Charge-Dominated Beam Bunching
A.P. Durkin, B.I. Bondarev, B.P. Murin
MRI Moscow
210 MOP60.pdf
MOP61 Isotope Production for Medical and Technical Use at Moscow Meson Factory Linac
S.K. Esin, V.M. Kokhanyuk, L.V. Kravchuk, P.N. Ostroumov, V.L. Serov, B.L. Zhuikov
INR Moscow
213 MOP61.pdf
MOP62 Initial Operation of a 100 MW X-Band Gyroklystron for Collider Applications
W. Lawson, J. Cheng, M. Castle, G. Saraph, B. Hogan, V.L. Granatstein, M. Reiser
University of Maryland
216 MOP62.pdf
MOP64 Quadrupole Slow-Wave Deflector for Chopping Charged-Particle Beams
T.S.F. Wang, A.J. Jason, R.R. Stevens, Jr.
219 MOP64.pdf
MOP66 The SSRL Linacs for Injection to the Storage Ring and RF Gun Testing
S. Park, J.N. Weaver
222 MOP66.pdf
MOP68 APT LLRF Control System Functionality and Architecture
A.H. Regan, A.S. Rohlev, C.D. Ziomek
225 MOP68.pdf
MOP69 The Development of an Annular-Beam, High Power Free-Electron Maser for Future LinearColliders
M.V. Fazio, B.E. Carlsten, L.M. Earley, C.M. Fortgang, P.C. Haddock, W.B. Haynes
228 MOP69.pdf
MOP71 Transverse Match of High Peak-Current Beam into the LANSCE DTL Using PARMILA
F.E. Merrill, L.J. Rybarcyk
231 MOP71.pdf
MOP72 Beam Dynamics Simulations using a Parallel Version of PARMILA
R. Ryne
234 MOP72.pdf
MOP73 Measurement of the Beam Distribution of 433 MHz Proton Linac in Longitudinal Phase Space
H. Dewa, H. Ao, T. Kihara, T. Sugimura, M. Kando, M. Ikegami, V. Kapin, H. Tonguu, T. Shirai, H. Okamoto, Y. Iwashita, H. Fujita, S. Kakigi, A. Noda, M. Inoue
Kyoto University
237 MOP73.pdf
MOP74 Performance of the 100 MeV Injector Linac for the Electron Storage Ring at Kyoto University.
T. Shirai, T. Sugimura, Y. Iwashita, S. Kakigi, H. Fujita, H. Tonguu, A. Noda, M. Inoue
Kyoto University
240 MOP74.pdf
MOP75 Numerical Simulation of IH Accelerators with MAFIA and RF Model Measurements
B. Krietenstein, T. Weiland, U. Ratzinger, R. Tiede, S.A. Minaev
Technical University Darmstadt, GSI, MEPhI
243 MOP75.pdf
MOP76 Simulation of Linac Operation Using the Tracking Code L
M. Drevlak, M. Timm, T. Weiland
DESY, Technical University Darmstadt
246 MOP76.pdf
MOP78 Design Studies for the Positron Factory
S. Okada, H. Sunaga, H. Kaneko, S. Masuno, A. Kawasuso, T. Sakai, H. Takizawa, K. Yotsumoto, Y. Honda, S. Tagawa
JAERI, Osaka University
249 MOP78.pdf
MOP80 Engineering Design of ITEP Proton Linac for Nuclear Waste Transmutation
V.A. Andreev, A.I. Balabin, I.V. Chuvilo, A.A. Drozdovsky, A.A. Kolomiets, A.M. Kozodaev, R.P. Kouibida, N.V. Lazarev, V.I. Pershin, V.K. Plotnikov, A.M. Raskopin, T.E. Tretjakova, R.M. Vengrov, I.A. Vorobjov
252 MOP80.pdf
MOP83 Experimental Test of the Adaptive Alignment of the Magnetic Elements of Linear Collider
V. Alexandrov, V. Balakin, A. Lunin
255 MOP83.pdf
MOP84 RF Structure Design for the TBNLC
J.S. Kim, E. Henestroza, T.L. Houck, S. Eylon, B. Kulke, G.A. Westenskow, S.S. Yu
Fusion and Accelerator Research, LLNL, LBNL
257 MOP84.pdf
MOP85 Operational Experience at the Superconducting Electron Accelerator S-DALINAC
S. Döbert, R. Eichhorn, H. Genz, H.-D. Gräf, R. Hahn, T. Hampel, S. Kostial, H. Loos, M. Reichenbach, A. Richter, V. Schlott, E. Spamer, A. Stascheck, M. Thomas, O. Titze, T. Wesp
Inst. Für Kernphysik, Darmstadt
260 MOP85.pdf


POSTER SESSION: Tuesday, August 27 14:20-18:00
Chairman: N. Holtkamp

TUP01 SLC-2000: A Luminosity Upgrade for the SLC
M. Breidenbach, F.-J. Decker, R. Helm, S. Hertzbach, O. Napoly, N. Phinney, P. Raimondi, T.O. Raubenheimer, R. Siemann, F. Zimmermann
SLAC, Univ. Massachusetts
323 TUP01.pdf
TUP02 Pencil-like mm-size Electron Beams Produced with Linear Inductive Voltage Adders (LIVA)
M.G. Mazarakis, J.W. Poukey, D.C. Rovang, J.E. Maenchen, S.R. Cordova, P.R. Menge, R. Pepping, L. Bennett, K. Mikkelson, D.L. Smith, J. Halbleib, W.A. Stygar, D.R. Welch
Sandia National Laboratories, MR Corp.
326 TUP02.pdf
TUP03 Operation and Improvements of the Fermilab 400 MeV Linac
L.J. Allen, M. Popovic, C.W. Schmidt
329 TUP03.pdf
TUP06 Longitudinal Emittance from the Fermilab 400 MeV Linac
E. McCrory, L. Allen, M. Popovic, C.W. Schmidt
332 TUP06.pdf
TUP07 Emittance Measurement Techniques Used in the 1 MeV RFQ for the PET Isotope Linac at Fermilab
E. McCrory, M. Popovic, C.W. Schmidt, P. Young
335 TUP07.pdf
TUP08 Continued Conditioning of the Fermilab 400 MeV Linac High-Gradient Side-Coupled Cavities
T. Kroc, E. McCrory, A. Moretti, M. Popovic
338 TUP08.pdf
TUP09 Bunching System of the KEKB Linac
J.-Y. Choi, S. Ohsawa, T. Kamitani, Y. Ogawa, A. Enomoto, I. Sato
340 TUP09.pdf
TUP10 Measurement of Precise Particle Distributions in Emittance Phase Plane in the JHP LEBT
S. Fujimura, A. Ueno
343 TUP10.pdf
TUP11 Design of Input and Output Couplers for Linear Accelerator Structures
S. Yamaguchi, Y. Igarashi, A. Enomoto, I. Sato
KEK, Mitsubishi
346 TUP11.pdf
TUP12 Linac LU-20 as Injector of Nuclotron
A.N. Govorov, I.V. Kalagin, A.D. Kovalenko, V.A. Monchinsky, V.P. Ovsyannikov, U.K. Pilipenko, V.A. Popov, E.H. Salimov, V.I. Volkov
349 TUP12.pdf
TUP13 Upgrades of the Nuclotron Injector for Acceleration of Ions with Z/A = 0.28
A.M. Baldin, E.D. Donets, E.E. Donets, A.I. Govorov, I.B. Issinsky, A.D. Kovalenko, I.V. Kalagin, V.A.Monchinsky, V.A. Popov, J.R. Alonso
352 TUP13.pdf
TUP14 Model for Halo Dynamics in Accelerating Bunched Beams
D.L. Bruhwiler
Northrop Grumman
355 TUP14.pdf
TUP15 End-to-End Particle Simulations of a 1.76 MeV Electrostatic Proton Linac for Contraband Detection
M.F. Reusch, D.L. Bruhwiler
Northrop Grumman
358 TUP15.pdf
TUP16 Operational Experience with the CERN Hadron Linacs
H. Charmot, C. Dutriat, C.E. Hill, K. Langbein, A.M. Lombardi, M. O'Neil, E. Tanke, M. Vretenar
360 TUP16.pdf
TUP17 Commissioning and Experience in Stripping, Filtering and Measuring the 4.2 MeV/u Lead Ion Beam at CERN Linac 3
N. Catalan Lasheras, M. Crescenti, M. Vretenar
363 TUP17.pdf
TUP18 Experiments on a 14.5 GHz ECR Source
C.E. Hill, K. Langbein
366 TUP18.pdf
TUP19 A Linac Generator Program as Pre-Processor for the Simulation Code DYNAC
P. Lapostolle, E. Tanke, S. Valero
CERN, CEA-Saclay
369 TUP19.pdf
TUP20 Dynamics of Beam Halo in Mismatched Beams
T.P. Wangler, R.W. Garnett, E.R. Gray, R.D. Ryne, T.S. Wang
372 TUP20.pdf
TUP21 A New Approach to Space Charge for Linac Beam Dynamics Codes
P. Lapostolle, A.M. Lombardi, S. Nath, E. Tanke, S. Valero, T.P. Wangler
375 TUP21.pdf
TUP22 High Charge-State Ion Beam Production from a Laser Ion Source
M. Bourgeois, G. Hall, H. Haseroth, S. Kondrashev, H. Kugler, K. Langbein, A. Lombardi, K. Makarov, W. Pirkl, Y. Satov, R.M. Scrivens, B. Sharkov, A. Shumshurov, A. Ster, A.J. Tambini, E. Tanke
378 TUP22.pdf
TUP23 RF and Constructional Issues in the RFQ for the CERN Laser Ion Source
P. Bourquin, W. Pirkl, H.H. Umstätter
381 TUP23.pdf
TUP24 Design and Beam Tests of an RFQ to Accelerate a Lead Ion Beam from a Laser Ion Source
A.M. Lombardi, E. Tanke
384 TUP24.pdf
TUP25 Conceptual Design of Beam Dump for High Power Electron Beam
H. Takei, Y. Takeda
387 TUP25.pdf
TUP26 Analysis of Wake Fields on TWRR Accelerator Structure in PNC
S. Tôyama, H. Takahashi
390 TUP26.pdf
TUP29 Relativistic Klystron Two-Beam Accelerator Studies at the RTA Test Facility
G.A. Westenskow, D. Anderson, S. Eylon, E. Henestroza, T.L. Houck, J.S. Kim, S.M. Lidia, L.L. Reginato, D.L. Vanecek, S.S. Yu
LBNL, LLNL, Fusion and Accelerator Research, University of California
393 TUP29.pdf
TUP30 Scaling the TBNLC Collider Design to Higher Frequencies
T.L. Houck, D. Anderson, S. Eylon, E. Henestroza, S.M. Lidia, L.L. Reginato, G.A. Westenskow, S.S. Yu
LBNL, LLNL, University of California
396 TUP30.pdf
TUP31 ISAC: Radioactive Ion Beams Facility at TRIUMF
P.G. Bricault, R. Baartman, G. Dutto, S. Koscielniak, R.E. Laxdal, R. Poirier, L. Root, P.W. Schmor, G. Stanford
399 TUP31.pdf
TUP32 Beam Dynamics Design of the TRIUMF ISAC RFQ
S. Koscielniak, L. Root, R. Lee, R. Laxdal, I. Grguric
TRIUMF, Univ. British Columbia
402 TUP32.pdf
TUP33 The RFQ Prototype for the Radioactive Ion Beams Facility at TRIUMF
R.L. Poirier, P.G. Bricault, K. Jensen, A.K. Mitra
405 TUP33.pdf
TUP34 Experiments on Resistive-Wall Instability in Space-Charge Dominated Electron Beams with Localized Space-charge Waves
J.G. Wang, H. Suk, M. Reiser
University of Maryland
408 TUP34.pdf
TUP35 Prototype of the RFD Linac Structure
D.A. Swenson, K.R. Crandall, F.W. Guy, J.M. Potter, T.A. Topolski
Linac Systems, Crandall, JPAW
411 TUP35.pdf
TUP36 Coupling Slots Without Shunt Impedance Drop
P. Balleyguier
CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel
414 TUP36.pdf
TUP37 Application of RF Crossed Lenses for Beam Focusing in Linac
A.I. Balabin, G.N. Kropachev
417 TUP37.pdf
TUP38 Some New ITEP Approaches to Design of High Intensity Proton Linac for Transmutation
A.A. Kolomiets, V.A. Andreev, I.V. Chuvilo, A.A. Drozdovskiy, A.M. Kozodaev, R.P. Kuibida, N.V. Lazarev, V.I. Pershin, V.K. Plotnikov, A.M. Raskopin, T.E. Tretiakova, I.A. Vorobiev, S.G. Yaramishev
420 TUP38.pdf
TUP39 Conceptual Design of Linac for Power HIF Driver
D.G. Koshkarev, I.L. Korenev, L.A. Yudin
423 TUP39.pdf
TUP40 Two-Frequency Klystron Amplifier
A.N. Dovbnya, Y.D. Tur, V.E. Rodyakin, A.N. Sandalov
426 TUP40.pdf
TUP41 Superconductive Stabilization Systems for Charged Particle Accelerators
O.M. Pignasty, D.V. Popovich, V.M. Rashkovan, N.S. Repalov, Y.D. Tur
429 TUP41.pdf
TUP42 A Digital Signal Processor Based RF Control System for the TRIUMF ISAC RFQ Prototype
K. Fong, S. Fang, M. Laverty
432 TUP42.pdf
TUP43 Design of a Drift Tube Linac for the ISAC Project at TRIUMF
R.E. Laxdal, P. Bricault
435 TUP43.pdf
TUP44 Update Plan of SPring-8 Linac
S. Suzuki, H. Yoshikawa, K. Yanagida, T. Taniuchi, A. Mizuno, H. Yokomizo
438 TUP44.pdf
TUP45 Injector Linac of SPring-8
H. Yoshikawa, T. Hori, S. Suzuki, K. Yanagida, Y. Itoh, A. Mizuno, T. Taniuchi, H. Sakaki, A. Kuba, S. Fukushima, T. Kobayashi, T. Asaka, H. Yokomizo
441 TUP45.pdf
TUP46 A Contraband Detection System Proof-of-Principle Device Using Electrostatic Acceleration
J.J. Sredniawski, T.W. Debiak, E. Kamykowski, J. Rathke, B. Milton, J. Rogers, P. Schmor, G. Stanford, J. Brondo
Northrop Grumman, TRIUMF, Scientific Innovations Inc.
444 TUP46.pdf
TUP47 Thermo-Mechanical Design of a CW Sweep Plate Emittance Scanner
J. Rathke, M. Peacock, J. Sredniawski
Northrop Grumman
447 TUP47.pdf
TUP48 A Sweep Plate Emittance Scanner for High-Power CW Ion Beams
T.W. Debiak, Y. Ng, J. Sredniawski, W. Stasi
Northrop Grumman
450 TUP48.pdf
TUP49 Status of the 1.76 MeV Pulsed Light Ion Beamline at the Northrop Grumman Advanced Technology and Development Center
M. Cole, S. Melnychuk, Y. Ng, R. Schmidt
Northrop Grumman
453 TUP49.pdf
TUP50 Parametric Study Of Emerging High Power Accelerator Applications Using Accelerator Systems Model (ASM)
D.H. Berwald, S.S. Mendelsohn, T.J. Myers, C.C. Paulson, M.A. Peacock, C.M. Piaszczyk, J.W. Rathke, E.M. Piechowiak
Northrop Grumman
456 TUP50.pdf
TUP51 IFEL First Experimental Results of the BNL Inverse Free Electron Laser Accelerator
A. van Steenbergen, J. Gallardo, J. Sandweiss, M. Babzien, J.-M. Fang, X. Qiu, J. Skaritka, X.-J. Wang
BNL, Yale University, Columbia University, Stony Brook
461 TUP51.pdf
TUP52 LIAR - A New Program for the Modelling and Simulation of Linear Accelerators with High Gradients and Small Emittances
R. Assmann, C. Adolphsen, K. Bane, T.O. Raubenheimer, R. Siemann, K. Thompson
464 TUP52.pdf
TUP53 Emittance Dilution due to Slow Alignment Drifts in the Main Linacs of the NLC
R. Assmann, C. Adolphsen, K. Bane, T.O. Raubenheimer, K. Thompson
467 TUP53.pdf
TUP54 Emittance and Trajectory Control in the Main Linacs of the NLC
R. Assmann, C. Adolphsen, K. Bane, T.O. Raubenheimer, K. Thompson
470 TUP54.pdf
TUP56 Possible Sources of Pulse-to-pulse Orbit Variation in the SLAC Linac
R. Assmann, F. Zimmermann
473 TUP56.pdf
TUP57 Beam Emittance, Transmission, and Intensity Distribution Measurements of the Northrop Grumman Corporation 1.76 MeV Pulsed Beamline and Contraband Detection System Target Test Facility
S.T. Melnychuk, M.D. Cole, J.J. Sredniawski
Northrop Grumman
476 TUP57.pdf
TUP58 Commissioning of the 40 keV Injector for a Contraband Detection System Proof-of- Principle Device
S.T. Melnychuk, T.W. Debiak, J. Rathke, J. Sredniawski, B. Milton, T. Kuo
Northrop Grumman, TRIUMF
479 TUP58.pdf
TUP60 Beamline Stability Measurements with a Stretched Wire System in the FFTB
R. Assmann, C. Montag, C. Salsberg
482 TUP60.pdf
TUP61 Analysis, Choice and Design of Monitors for Beam Diagnostics
V.M. Rybin
485 TUP61.pdf
TUP62 Undulator and RF-System for Ion Linear Accelerators
E.S. Masunov
487 TUP62.pdf
TUP63 The On-axis Coupled Accelerating Structure for Application in Proton Linacs with Moderate Heat Loading
L.V. Kravchuk, V.V. Paramonov
490 TUP63.pdf
TUP64 The Data Library for Accelerating Structures Development. RF Parameters of the Drift Tube Accelerating Structure
V.V. Paramonov
493 TUP64.pdf
TUP65 The First Production and Transport of Radioactive 17F at ATLAS for Research
B. Harss, J.C. Berger, J. Greene, C.L. Jiang, J. Nolen, R.C. Pardo, M. Paul, K.E. Rehm, J.P. Schiffer, R.E. Segel, T.F. Wang
ANL, Hebrew University, Northwestern University, LLNL
496 TUP65.pdf
TUP66 An Active Mechanical Stabilization System for Linear Collider Quadrupoles to Compensate Fast Ground Motion
C. Montag, J. Rossbach
499 TUP66.pdf
TUP67 Precision Alignment of BPM's with Quadrupole Magnets
F. Brinker, A. Hagestedt, M. Wendt
502 TUP67.pdf
TUP68 IREN Test Facility at JINR
V. Antropov, S. Dolya, A. Kaminsky, A. Krasnykh, E. Laziev, V. Pjataev, V. Shvets, A. Sumbaev
505 TUP68.pdf
TUP69 LUE200 - Driver Linac for Intense Resonant Neutron Spectrometer (IREN)
The IREN Team, submitted by A. Kaminsky
508 TUP69.pdf
TUP70 The Neutron Flux Generated by the IREN Linac Dark Current
A.P. Ivanov, A.K. Krasnykh
511 TUP70.pdf
TUP71 Secondary Electron Monitor for Electron Bunch Phase Distribution Measurement with Subpicosecond Resolution
A.M. Tron, I.G. Merinov
514 TUP71.pdf
TUP72 Method of Bunch Phase Distribution Measurement Based on a Møller Scattering
A.M. Tron, V.V. Smirnov
517 TUP72.pdf
TUP73 Bunch Phase Distribution Detector for the ISTRA Ion Linac Beam
A.M. Tron, I.G. Merinov, N.Ya. Popova, K.V. Voznesensky
518 TUP73.pdf
TUP74 Design, Performance and Production of the Fermilab TESLA RF Input Couplers
M. Champion
521 TUP74.pdf
TUP75 Millimeter-Wave RF Structures
H. Henke, R. Merte, A. Nassiri, J. Song, Y.W. Kang, R.L. Kustom
TU-Berlin, ANL
524 TUP75.pdf
TUP76 Measurement of the Beam Position in the TESLA Test Facility Linac
R. Lorenz, M. Sachwitz, H.J. Schreiber, F. Tonisch
TU-Berlin, DESY
527 TUP76.pdf
TUP77 Present and Future Performance of the DELTA Injector Linac
A. Jankowiak, C. Piel, T. Weis, DELTA Group
University of Dortmund
530 TUP77.pdf
TUP79 Status of the TESLA Test Facility Linac
H. Weise for the TESLA Collaboration
533 TUP79.pdf
TUP80 Field Enhancement of a Superconducting Helical Undulator with Iron
K. Flöttmann, S.G. Wipf
536 TUP80.pdf
TUP83 Improved Electron Beam Sources for Compact Linear Accelerators
A.V. Mishin,V.A. Polyakov, I.S. Shchedrin
539 TUP83.pdf
TUP84 30 Years Operation of 25 MeV Proton Linac I-2 in ITEP at Beam Current of 200-230 mA
N.V. Lazarev, V.A. Andreev, V.S. Artemov, V.A. Batalin, I.V. Chuvilo, V.I. Edemsky, A.A. Kolomiets, B.K. Kondratiev, Y.N. Kusmin, R.P. Kouibida, V.K. Plotnikov, N.I. Porubai, A.M. Raskopin, N.I. Rybakov, V.S. Skachkov, Y.B. Stasevich, V.S. Stolbunov, R.M. Vengrov
542 TUP84.pdf


INVITED TALK SESSION: Thursday, August 29 14:20-17:30
Chairman: H. Henke

THP01 Status and Results from The Next Linear Collider Test Accelerator
R.D. Ruth for the NLCTA Group
641 THP01.pdf
THP02 A Damped Detuned Structure for the Next Linear Collider
R.H. Miller, C. Adolphsen, K.L. Bane, W.R. Fowkes, R. Gluckstern, S.M. Hanna, T. Higo, Y. Higashi, H.A. Hoag, R.M. Jones, K. Ko, N.M. Kroll, R.J. Loewen, C. Nantista, C. Pearson, R.D. Ruth, K.A. Thompson, J.W. Wang, M. Seidel
SLAC, KEK, University of California, University of Maryland
644 THP02.pdf
THP03 Design of the NLC Positron Source
H. Tang, P. Emma, G. Gross, A. Kulikov, Z. Li, R. Miller, L. Rinolfi, J. Turner, D. Yeremian
647 THP03.pdf
THP04 A Spectral Function Method Applied To The Calculation of Wake Function for the NLCTA
R.M. Jones, K. Ko, N.M. Kroll, R.H. Miller
SLAC, University of California
650 THP04.pdf
THP05 Microwave Analysis of the Damped Detuned Accelerator Structure
M. Seidel, C. Adolphsen, W.R. Fowkes, S.M. Hanna, H.A. Hoag, R. Jones, K. Ko, N. Kroll, R.J. Loewen, R.H. Miller, C. Pearson, R.D. Ruth, J.W. Wang, D.H. Whittum
SLAC, University of California
653 THP05.pdf
THP06 High Gradient Experiments on NLCTA Accelerator Structures
J.W. Wang, J.P. Eichner, K.H. Fant, H.A. Hoag, R.F. Koontz, T. Lavine, G.A. Loew, R.J. Loewen, A. Menegat, R.H. Miller, C.D. Nantista, C. Pearson, R.D. Ruth, S.G. Tantawi, A.E. Vlieks, P.B. Wilson, C. Yoneda
SLAC, Stanford
656 THP06.pdf
THP07 A New Energy Recovering DeQing for Line-Type Pulse Modulators
S.I. Sharamentov
659 THP07.pdf
THP08 A High Intensity Proton Linac Development for Neutron Science Research Program
M. Mizumoto, J. Kusano, K. Hasegawa, N. Ito, H. Oguri, Y. Touchi, K. Mukugi, H. Ino
JAERI, Sumitomo, Mitsubishi
662 THP08.pdf
THP09 The R&D Status on the Front End of the High Intensity Proton Accelerator in JAERI
K. Hasegawa, M. Mizumoto, J. Kusano, N. Ito, H. Oguri, Y. Touchi, H. Ino, K. Mukugi
JAERI, Sumitomo, Mitsubishi
665 THP09.pdf
THP10 Development of a Negative Ion Source for a High Intensity Linac
H. Oguri, N. Miyamoto, Y. Okumura, M. Mizumoto
JAERI, Nissin
668 THP10.pdf
THP11 Development of a Superconducting Cavity for the High Intensity Proton Linac in JAERI
N. Ito, K. Mukugi, K. Hasegawa, J. Kusano, S. Noguchi, K. Saito, M. Mizumoto
JAERI, Mitsubishi, KEK
671 THP11.pdf
THP13 Self-Consistent Effects of Space Charge Compensation on Intense Ion Beams
J.L. Lemaire, X. Fleury, A. Piquemal
CEA, E.P. Palaiseau
674 THP13.pdf
THP14 Numerical Simulation of Ion Production Process in EBIS
I.V. Kalagin, V.P. Ovsyannikov
677 THP14.pdf
THP16 Front-End Physics Design of APT Linac
S. Nath, J.H. Billen, J.E. Stovall, H. Takeda, L.M. Young
680 THP16.pdf
THP17 Linac Design Algorithm with Symmetric Segments
H. Takeda, L.M. Young, S. Nath, J.H. Billen, J.E. Stovall
683 THP17.pdf
THP18 Alignment and Steering Scenarios for the APT Linac
J.E. Stovall, E.R. Gray, S. Nath, H. Takeda, R.L. Wood, L.M. Young, K.R. Crandall
686 THP18.pdf
THP19 Physics Design of APT Linac with Normal Conducting RF Cavities
S. Nath, J.H. Billen, J.E. Stovall, H. Takeda, L.M. Young
689 THP19.pdf
THP20 The RF System for the Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT) Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) at Los Alamos
M.T. Lynch, D. Rees, P. Tallerico, A. Regan
692 THP20.pdf
THP21 LANSCE Linac RF Performance for a Long Pulse Spallation Source
J.T.M. Lyles, A.H. Regan, G.O. Bolme
695 THP21.pdf
THP22 LANSCE 201.25 MHz Drift Tube Linac RF Power Status
J.T.M. Lyles, C.C. Friedrichs, Jr.
698 THP22.pdf
THP23 Development of a 110-mA, 75-keV Proton Injector for High-Current, CW Linacs
J.D. Sherman, G.O. Bolme, L.D. Hansborough, D.J. Hodgkins, M.E. Light, E.A. Meyer, J.D. Schneider, H.V. Smith, Jr., M.W. Stettler, R.R. Stevens, Jr., M.E. Thuot, T.J. Zaugg, R. Ferdinand
LANL, CEA-Saclay
701 THP23.pdf
THP24 Recent Operating Experience with the H- Ion Injector at LAMPF/LANSCE
W.B. Ingalls, J.E. Stelzer, H.E. Williams
704 THP24.pdf
THP25 A Design Approach for Superconducting High-Current Ion Linacs
R.W. Garnett, T.P. Wangler
707 THP25.pdf
THP26 Conventional and Superconducting RF Linac Designs for the APT Project
G. Lawrence, D. Barlow, J. Billen, B. Blind, K.C.D. Chan, R. Garnett, R. Gentzlinger, E. Gray, D. Gurd, F. Krawcyzk, M. Lynch, S. Nath, A. Regan, D. Rees, A. Rohlev, B. Rusnak, R. Ryne, J.D. Schneider, D. Schrage, R. Shafer, J. Sherman, J. Stovall, H. Takeda, P. Tallerico, T. Wangler, R. Wood, L. Young
710 THP26.pdf
THP27 Measurements and Numerical Calculations on Higher-Order-Mode-Dampers within a Stack of 36 Detuned S-Band-Cells
W.F.O. Müller, P. Hülsmann, M. Kurz, C. Peschke, H. Klein, U. v. Rienen, T. Weiland, M. Dohlus
J.W. Goethe University, TH-Darmstadt, DESY
713 THP27.pdf
THP28 Measurement of HOM-Propagation through Cavity Chains in Terms of S-Parameters
H.-W. Glock, F. Marhauser, P. Hülsmann, M. Kurz, C. Peschke, W.F.O. Müller, H. Klein
J.W. Goethe University
716 THP28.pdf
THP29 The Acceleration of Different Specific Charge Ions in the Heavy Ions RFQ Linac
V.A. Batalin, Y.N. Volkov, T.V. Kulevoy, S.V. Petrenko
719 THP29.pdf
THP30 Multiple-Beam RFQ Structure with a Matrix-Array of Beamlets
V. Kapin, A. Noda, Y. Iwashita, M. Inoue
Kyoto University
722 THP30.pdf
THP31 2 MV, 0.8A, K+ Injector for Heavy Ion Fusion
S. Eylon, E. Henestroza, S. Yu, D. Grote
725 THP31.pdf
THP32 Simulations and Cold Test of an Inductively Detuned RF Cavity for the Relativistic Klystron Two Beam Accelerator
E. Henestroza, S. Eylon, J.S. Kim, T. Houck, G. Westenskow, S. Yu
Fusion and Accelerator Research, LBNL, LLNL
728 THP32.pdf
THP34 Push-Pull Linac Pairs to Generate Two Drive Beams for CLIC MultiBunch Operation
L. Thorndahl
731 THP34.pdf
THP35 CLIC Waveguide Damped Accelerating Structure Studies
M. Dehler, I. Wilson, W. Wuensch
734 THP35.pdf
THP36 A Code for Multibunched Beams with Wakefields, Group Velocities and Space Charge
J.A. Riche
737 THP36.pdf
THP37 Trajectory Correction Algorithms on the Latest Model of the CLIC Main Linac
C. Fischer, G. Parisi
740 THP37.pdf
THP38 Status of the High Current Injector Project
M. Madert, R. Cee, M. Grieser, R. von Hahn, C.M. Kleffner, S. Papureanu, H. Podlech, R. Repnow, D. Schwalm, A. Schempp, D. Habs
MPI-Heidelberg, J.W. Goethe University, Ludwig Maximilian University
743 THP38.pdf
THP39 Modeling of the ALS Linac
C.H. Kim
746 THP39.pdf
THP40 High-Power Linac for a US Spallation-Neutron Source
T.P. Wangler, J. Billen, A. Jason, F. Krawczyk, S. Nath, R. Shafer, J. Staples, H. Takeda, P. Tallerico
749 THP40.pdf
THP41 Thermal/Structural Design and Fabrication Development of High Power CCDTL and CCL Structures
R.L. Wood, W.L. Clark, F. Martinez, F.E. Sigler
752 THP41.pdf
THP42 Ion Linacs Design with Superconductivity Use
B.P. Murin, G.I. Batskikh, V.M. Belugin, B.I. Bondarev, A.P. Fedotov, V.A. Konovalov, I.V. Shumakov
755 THP42.pdf
THP43 Regotron as CW High-Power RF Source for Ion Linac
I.V. Shumakov, B.P. Murin, B.I. Bondarev, A.P. Durkin
758 THP43.pdf
THP44 Bunch Length Measurement on CANDELA Photo-Injector
G. Devanz, B. Leblond, B. Mouton, C. Travier
761 THP44.pdf
THP45 Status of the TTF Linac Injector
T. Garvey, M. Bernard, J.C. Bourdon, R. Chehab, P. Dufresne, B. Jacquemard, M. Mencik, B. Mouton, M. Omeich, M. Roch, J. Rodier, P. Roudier, J.L. Saury, N. Solyak, M. Taurigna-Quere, Y. Thiery, B. Aune, M. Desmons, J. Fusellier, J. Gastebois, F. Gougnaud, J.F. Gournay, M. Jablonka, J.M. Joly, M. Juillard, H. Long, Y. Lussignol, A. Mosnier, B. Phung Ngoc, S. Buhler, T. Junquera
764 THP45.pdf
THP47 Precise Fabrication of 1.3m-long X-band Accelerating Structure
T. Higo, H. Sakai, Y. Higashi, S. Koike, T. Takatomi, T. Suzuki, K. Takata
767 THP47.pdf
THP48 A New Optical Design for the BNL Isotope Production Transport Line
A. Kponou, J.G. Alessi, D. Raparia, N. Tsoupas, M. Mapes
770 THP48.pdf
THP49 Upgrade of the Brookhaven 200 MeV Linac
J.G. Alessi, W. Buxton, W. Eng, B. Erickson, O. Gould, A. Kponou, V. LoDestro, M. Mapes, A. McNerney, D. Raparia, T. Russo, J. Skelly
773 THP49.pdf
THP50 The Source Development Lab Linac at BNL
W.S. Graves, E.D. Johnson, T.O. Raubenheimer
776 THP50.pdf
THP51 Comparisons Between Modeling and Measured Performance of the BNL Linac
D. Raparia, J.G. Alessi, A. Kponou
779 THP51.pdf
THP52 Improved Beam Stability With New Parameter Set for the S-Band Linear Collider
R. Brinkmann, R. Wanzenberg, M. Drevlak
782 THP52.pdf
THP53 A 375 MW Modulator for a 150 MW Klystron at the S-Band Linear Collider Test Facility at DESY
S. Choroba, M. Bieler, J. Hameister, Y. Chi
785 THP53.pdf
THP54 Performance of the First Part of the Injector for the S-Band Test Facility at DESY
M. Schmitz
788 THP54.pdf
THP55 Temperature Stabilisation of the Accelerating Structure
F.-R. Ullrich
791 THP55.pdf
THP56 Positron Production for the S-Band and TESLA Linear Colliders
R. Glantz
794 THP56.pdf
THP57 OTR Monitor for ATF Linac
T. Naito, H. Hayano, S. Kashiwagi, S. Takeda, J. Urakawa
797 THP57.pdf
THP58 Tool for Device Histories at the KEK Linac
N. Kamikubota, K. Furukawa
800 THP58.pdf
THP59 A Low Loss Drive Line Concept for Linear Colliders
N. Holtkamp, A. Jöstingmeier
803 THP59.pdf
THP60 A Beam Based Interaction Region Feedback for an S-Band Linear Collider
G.A. Voss, R. Brinkmann, N. Holtkamp
806 THP60.pdf
THP61 Multiple Beam Coupled Cavity Microwave Periodic Structure
A.V. Mishin, R. Schonberg, H. Deruyter, T. Roumbanis, R. Miller, J. Potter
Schonberg, SLAC, JPAW
809 THP61.pdf
THP62 Design and Application of Microwave Structure for Low Velocity Particles
A.V. Mishin
812 THP62.pdf
THP63 Pre-injector of the KEK 2.5-GeV Linac and High-Current Single-Bunch Beam Acceleration
S. Ohsawa, J.-Y. Choi, Y. Ogawa, A. Enomoto, T. Kamitani, H. Kobayashi, I. Sato
815 THP63.pdf
THP64 KEK-PF Slow-Positron Facility
T. Shidara, T. Kurihara, A. Shirakawa, A. Enomoto, H. Kobayashi, K. Nakahara
818 THP64.pdf
THP65 Electron-Positron Pre-Injector of VEPP-5 Complex
A.V. Aleksandrov, M.S. Avilov, P.A. Bak, O.Y. Bazhenov, Y.M. Boimelshtein, A.G. Chupyra, R.K. Galimov, K.V. Gubin, N.S. Dikansky, I.V. Kazarezov, O.V. Koroznikov, A.N. Kosarev, N.K. Kot, D.Y. Kuklin, A.A. Kulakov, N.A. Kuznetsov, P.V. Logatchev, P.V. Martyshkin, L.A. Mironenko, A.V. Novokhatski, V.M. Pavlov, A.M. Rezakov, Y.I. Semenov, A.N. Sharapa, A.V. Shemyakin, S.V. Shiyankov, B.A. Skarbo, A.N. Skrinsky, Y.F. Tokarev, S.B. Vasserman
821 THP65.pdf
THP66 HOM Damping in SBLC Accelerating Section Using Input Coupler
N.P. Sobenin, S.V. Ivanov, V.E. Kaljuzhny, D.V. Kostin, O.S. Milovanov, A.N. Parfenov, A.A. Zavadzev, S.N. Yarigin, M. Dohlus, N. Holtkamp
824 THP66.pdf
THP67 Calculation and Experimental Investigation of Electrodynamics Characteristics of SBLC DLW
N.P. Sobenin, D.V. Kostin, B.V. Zverev, S.N. Yarigin, M.Dohlus, N. Holtkamp
827 THP67.pdf
THP68 Status of the HIMAC Injector
T. Murakami, S. Yamada, A. Kitagawa, M. Muramatsu, K. Noda, H. Ogawa, Y. Sato, E. Takada, K. Tashiro, J. Yoshizawa, T. Fukushima, T. Kimura, K. Ueda
830 THP68.pdf
THP69 Development of 700 pps High-Duty-Cycle Line-Type Pulse Modulator
H. Baba, K. Satoh, A. Miura, N. Matsunaga, H. Matsumoto, K. Shinohara, S. Katoh, Y. Kamino, T. Noguchi, N. Hisanaga
Nihon Koshuha Co., Nagoya Aerospace System, Mitsubishi
833 THP69.pdf
THP70 10 MeV 25KW Industrial Electron Linac
Y. Kamino
Nagoya Aerospace Systems
836 THP70.pdf
THP71 Dielectric Response of Particle Beams to Periodic Focusing
N. Brown
G.H. Gillespie Associates Inc.
839 THP71.pdf
THP72 A Graphic User Interface for the Particle Optics Code TRANSPORT
G.H. Gillespie, B.W. Hill, N.A. Brown, R.C. Babcock, D.C. Carey
G.H. Gillespie Associates Inc., FNAL
842 THP72.pdf
THP73 Wakefields in the TRACE 3-D Code
W.P. Lysenko, D.P. Rusthoi, K.C.D. Chan, G.H. Gillespie, B.W. Hill
G.H. Gillespie Associates Inc.
845 THP73.pdf
THP74 Preliminary Test of pluslessDELTAf Energy Compensation System
S. Kashiwagi, H. Hayano, F. Hinode, T. Korhonen, K. Kubo, H. Matsumoto, S. Nakamura, T. Naito, K. Oide, K. Takata, S. Takeda, N. Terunuma, J. Urakawa, T. Okugi, M. Kagaya
GUAS Tsukuba, KEK, Yokohama National Univ., Tokyo Met. Univ., Tohokugakuin Univ.
848 THP74.pdf
THP75 RF and Beam Diagnostic Instrumentation at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Linear Accelerator (Linac)
A.E. Grelick, R. Fuja, N. Arnold, M. White
851 THP75.pdf
THP76 A New Electron Gun Modulator for the ELETTRA Linac
G. D'Auria, D. Fabiani, A. Milocco, C. Rossi
Sincrotrone Trieste
854 THP76.pdf
THP77 Power Model of Biperiodic DAW Cavity
Y. Iwashita, H. Ao, A. Noda, H. Okamoto, T. Shirai, M. Inoue
Kyoto University
857 THP77.pdf
THP78 Double-Feed Coupler for the Linear Collider
K. Watanabe, H. Akiyama, H. Matsumoto, T. Nakazato, K. Nishitani, M. Oyamada, S. Urasawa
Tohoku University, KEK, ATC Co., Hitachi
860 THP78.pdf
THP79 Development of a Folded-Coaxial RFQ Linac for the RILAC
O. Kamigaito, A. Goto, Y. Miyazawa, T. Chiba, M. Hemmi, M. Kase, S. Kohara, Y. Batygin, Y. Yano
863 THP79.pdf
THP81 Key Systems of an 433 MHz Ion Linac for Applied Purposes
M.F. Vorogushin, Y.A. Svistunov
S.R. Efremov Inst. of Electrophysical Apparatus
866 THP81.pdf
THP82 Advances at NPK LUTS 433 MHz Compact Ion Linac
Y.A. Svistunov, Y.V. Afanasiev, Y.N. Gavrish, V.I. Korobov, V.G. Mudrolubov, A.P. Strokach, Yu.P. Vakhrushin, M.F. Vorogushin
S.R. Efremov Inst. of Electrophysical Apparatus
869 THP82.pdf
THP84 Simulation on the Emittance of the RF Gun Including the Schottky Effect
Y. Huang, Y. Miyahara
SPring-8, IHEP
872 THP84.pdf
THP85 Status of the Dual-Axis Radiographic Hydrotest Facility
M.J. Burns, P.W. Allison, R.L. Carlson, J.N. Downing, D.C. Moir, R.P. Shurter
875 THP85.pdf
THSpec New Directions in Science
E. Knapp
Santa Fe Institute
881 THSpec.pdf

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