After a two years period of construction the routine operation of the 100 MeV electron linear injector started in summer 1995. The linac serves as injector for the 1.5 GeV DELTA- (Dortmund Electron Test Accelerator)- synchrotron radiation facility. In its major parts the linac has been constructed out of parts of the old Mainz 400 MeV linac (final shut down in 1989). The linac consists of a new developed 50 keV gun and a 4 MeV buncher for longitudinal pulse compression and two travelling wave structures. In the present state of operation the linac delivers a 70 MeV, 300 mA beam within 2-20 nsec at 10-100 Hz.
The paper covers design and performance of the linac
and its components including monitoring, transverse and longitudinal
optics together with experimental results and the expected performance
of the linac after modifications concerning the rf-transmitters
and part of the rf-network.
The DELTA-facility at the university of Dortmund [1,2] is a 3rd generation 1.5 GeV synchrotron radiation light source. The storage ring Delta is fed by the full energy booster synchrotron Bodo (Booster Dortmund) operating as a ramped storage ring with a maximum repetition rate of 0.2 Hz. This rather low injection rate and the necessity to run the booster in single bunch operation in order to drive an FEL [3] in the Delta ring imply short beam pulses at high currents to be delivered from the injector.
In 1989 the 400 MeV electron linac at the university
of Mainz was finally shut down and the decision has been made
to use major parts of the old components (accelerators as well
as the modulators and the rf-network and klystrons) offered by
the Mainz authorities to reconstruct a 100 MeV linac fulfilling
the above requirements.
General Performance
Two of the old Mainz ß = 1 S-band accelerator
sections powered with 20 MW each produce a 100 MeV output beam.
To ensure operation at high currents in the ampere range the front
end had to be totally rebuilt. For longitudinal pulse compression
a 3.8 MeV buncher section (LAL, Orsay, LIL-type [4]) is installed
at the front end together with a 50 keV electron gun with incorporated
prebuncher. The main design values are listed in Table 1. The
schematic layout is shown in Figure 1.
operating frequency | 2998.55 MHz |
electron gun | 50 kV, 2 A, 2 ns, 1-100 Hz |
longitudinal pulse
compression | prebuncher and 3.8 MeV
buncher |
output beam energy | 100 MeV |
output current | 1A, 2 ns, 1-100 Hz |
DE/E | +/- 2% |
abs. output emittance | e < 1 p mm mrad (100%) |
Table 1: General design performance of the linac
Low Energy Part of the Linac
Set up. A triode electron gun with 50 kV extraction voltage has been developed [5] based on the old Mainz gun-body. Based on the EIMAC Y796 cathode the extraction optics produces a beam waist directly in front of the prebuncher cavity (65 mm downstream the cathode). EGUN calculations result in an rms-emittance of e = 16 p mm mrad at 2.6 A.
The single cell reentrant cavity incorporated in
the gun-body is followed by a short buncher section manufactured
by LAL, Orsay (see Table 2). It is equivalent to the buncher operating
at the LIL-injector at CERN [6].
length | 0.45 m |
resonator type | on-axis-coupled, 2p/3-mode
standing wave |
shuntimpedance, Q | 23 MW/m, 13600 |
ß-profile | ß = 0.92, 0.98, 1.00 |
number of cells | 6 plus 2 endcells |
energy gain (ref. particle) | 3.8 MeV (1.7 MW) |
accelerating gradient | 16 MV/m (1.7 MW) |
Table 2: Performance of S-band buncher section.
Transverse Optics. The injection energy of 50 keV and a beam current of 2 A together with the high accelerating gradient (16 MV/m) of the buncher give rise to strong defocusing forces. Since the prebuncher is part of the gun-body and should be located close to the buncher no space was available to install a large-scale low energy solenoid transport line as it has been done at the LIL-Injector at CERN [4,6]. Due to the available space we installed two solenoids built in house (Leff= 5.5 cm, Bmax= 300 G and Leff= 40 cm, Bmax= 2200 G, see Figure 1 and 2). A small size quadrupole triplett is mounted in front of the first accelerator section to match the beam emittance to the acceptance of the downstream linac part. The transverse beam dimensions have been calculated with the program ENVEL [7], which solves
the envelope equation taking into account emittance,
space charge and focusing forces as well as the defocusing forces
generated by the prebuncher and buncher rf. Figure 2 shows that
the beam is well confined under nominal operating conditions.
Longitudinal Pulse Compression. An
output energy spread of DE/E
= +/- 2% for a substantial fraction of the
beam can be obtained if the phase spread at the entrance of the
main accelerator sections is limited to 230. PARMELA-calculations
showed quite similar results compared to the calculations at CERN
[4]. Even for an input energy of 50 keV, the best bunching efficiency
is obtained at 16 MV/m accelerating gradient of the buncher which
corresponds to an energy increase of 3.8 MeV. Due to the quite
large distance of 24 cm between prebuncher and buncher the theoretical
value for the bunching efficiency was calculated to Iout(230)/Iin(3600)
= 40% at 2 A gun current. The bunching efficieny is strongly related
to the accelerating gradient of the buncher and decreases drastically
with reduced rf-power (see below).
High Energy Part of the Linac
Accelerator Sections. We
installed two of the old Mainz accelerator sections (CGR-MeV)
to increase the energy from 3.8 MeV to the nominal output energy
of 100 MeV. These sections are of the 2p/3-mode
travelling wave type and had been installed in Mainz for replacement
of the older p/2-type
structures and for upgrading the linac. Unfortunately no information
was available about these structures. From theoretical considerations
and from direct measurements we obtained the data given in Table
length of section | 4.2 m |
field mode | 2p/3, travelling wave |
group velocity v/c | 0.011 - 0.036 |
filling time | 0.7 msec |
Q | 10,000 |
shuntimpedance | 42 MW/m |
iris aperture diameter | 30 - 20 mm |
attenuation | 0.62 Np |
max. RF-power | 20 MW at 4.5 msec. |
Table 3: Performance of the accelerator sections
Transverse Optics. We
are not using the built-in solenoids above the accelerator sections
but installed a triplett between the sections and one more quadrupole
at the end of the linac as first part of the transfer-line to
the booster [2].
RF-System and RF-Network
The RF-system and the corresponding network is shown
in Figure 1 (status end of this year). It consists mainly of two
modulators and two klystrons with 20 MW output power. The modulators
and the PFN-networks have been rebuilt out of the old parts from
Mainz in a more compact way and produce a 270 kV, 240 A pulse
with a pulse length of 4.5 ms
with a maximum rep. rate of 100 Hz. To feed
the high energy accelerator section the two rf output waveguides
of the old F2042E klystron are combined under vaccum and need
a careful adjustment of the rf phase via waveguides with adjustable
cross-section. Between the rf-windows we use 2 bar abs. SF6.
For the low energy part of the accelerator we still have an old
F2042E klystron operating [8], where we use only one output waveguide
to ensure operation for the beam injection into the DELTA rings.
This old klystron will be replaced during the autumn shut down
by the new TH2100 type providing more than 20 MW with one rf-output
Beam Monitoring
Three TM010-mode cavities with circular cross-section operating at the linac frequency are installed. High coupling of the output antennas and low Q-values give very sensitive and reliable information for 2 ns beam pulses and the achieved pulse compression. The beam position is obtained with three installed cavities with quadratic cross-section operating in a mixed TM210- and TM120-mode.
For transmission measurements we use two wall current
monitors downstream the buncher and at the end of the linac, where
also a fast Faraday-Cup is mounted.
The first beam was launched in October 1994 (60 MeV) and two weeks later accelerated to 75 MeV. From March until summer 1995 the linac was operating for the beam injection into the booster Bodo with an overall transmission of only a few percent.
After changes concerning the transverse focusing
in the low energy part [8] and a careful cleaning of the buncher
(electron multipactoring during operation in summer) the beam
was accelerated to 78.1 MeV in October 1995 with an overall beam
transmission of 20% with a still rather large energy spread of
DE/E >
+/-10% caused by the low available rf-power of < 1 MW instead
of 1.7 MW necessary for the design operation of the buncher (see
above). Routine operation was achieved since end of 1995 for the
commissioning of Bodo and Delta. Table 4 summarizes the actual
beam data.
extracted gun current | 1.5 A |
beam pulse structure | 2 - 20 nsec |
output beam energy | 60 - 78 MeV |
output energy for Bodo | 68 MeV |
output beam current | 300 mA, 20% transmission
90 mA, DE/E = +/- 2% |
abs. output emittance | e < 0.8 p mm mrad (100%) |
Table 4: Status of the present linac performance
At the present time the injector of the DELTA facility
offers a 90 mA beam at 68 MeV within an energy spread of +/- 2%
at variable pulse lengths of 2 - 20 nsec. This results in a 300
mA - 3 mA
average beam current accelerated in the booster
and an increase of stored beam current in the storage ring of
100 mA -
1 mA every 5 - 6 sec.
To speed up the filling time for the storage ring, the first F2042E klystron will be replaced during the autumn shut down by the more or less compatible TH2100 klystron equipped with only one rf output waveguide. An rf power of more than 20 MW is then available for section 1 and the design buncher operation at 1.7 MW can be easily obtained resulting in a better transmission at a reduced energy spread and increased output energy according to the specification (Table 1). In a later stage (summer 1997) also the second klystron will be replaced by the new type. An available output energy of more than 100 MeV will naturally facilitate the injection into the booster since magnetic remanence effects are drastically reduced [1].
Due to the high current levels the distance between
prebuncher and buncher has to be decreased. This will result in
a better bunching efficiency but will require more effort concerning
transverse focusing.
The authors would like to thank the Mainz university,
the MAMI-staff and the staff of ELSA, Bonn.
[1] K. Wille, Initial Experience with DELTA, Proc. 1996 Europ. Part. Acc. Conference
[2] DELTA Group, DELTA - a Status Report, Dortmund University, 1990
[3] D. Nölle et al, DELTA, a New Storage-Ring-FEL Facility, NIM, A296 (1990) 263
[4] A. Pisent, L. Rinolfi, A New Bunching System for the LEP Injector Linac, CERN/PS/90-58 (LP)
[5] G. Blokesch, Thesis in preparation, University of Dortmund
[6] J.-Cl. Gogot, L. Rinolfi et al., A New Front End for the LEP Injector Linac, Proc. 1991 Part. Acc. Conf.
[7] T. Weis, ENVEL: A Code for Envelope Calculations, University of Dortmund, 1995
[8] G. Blokesch et al., The Injector Linac of the
DELTA-Facility, Proc. 1996 Europ. Part. Acc. Conference