
Electromagnetic fields in periodic linear travelling-wave structures.

J.P. Pruiksma, R.W. de Leeuw, J.I.M. Botman , H.L. Hagedoorn, Cyclotron Laboratory
A. G. Tijhuis, Electromagnetics Department,
Eindhoven University of Technology,
P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, the Netherlands


An analytical description of the electromagnetic field in a periodically disk-loaded circular waveguide is given. The field is expressed in terms of the waveguide modes. The main advantage of this approach is that each mode matches the boundary conditions in the empty waveguide. These modes have convenient orhogonality properties. First, a single diaphragm in the waveguide is considered and the reflection problem arising from one incident waveguide mode is solved with the mode-matching technique. Then a matrix eigenvalue equation is derived for the periodically loaded waveguide. The solution of this equation yields the dispersion curve for the structure and leads to the full field description for a given operating mode of the accelerator.

TM modes of a circular waveguide

A circular waveguide of radius b, centered around the z-axis is considered. For the acceleration of particles in the disk-loaded waveguide, only the transverse magnetic (TM) modes of the electromagnetic field are of interest. A time dependence of and a z dependence of is assumed and substituted into Maxwell's equations. The axially symmetric mode solutions are:


For the nth mode, the z-component of the electric field is , the radial electric field- and azimuthal magnetic field components are and respectively. The wave admittance and is the nth root of the Bessel function . The functions defined in equation (2) are orthonormal:

The mode-matching technique discussed in the next section makes use of this orthonormality. For linear travelling wave accelerating structures it is customary to choose the radius b and the frequency in such a way that only the propagation constant is imaginary. All other { } are real and represent attenuating modes.

Reflection from a single diaphragm

In the circular waveguide of radius b, an infinitely thin diaphragm with a circular aperture of radius a is placed at z=0, see figure 1.

Figure 1: reflection at a diaphragm

The coefficients of the incident modes are so a general incident field is given by:


Here, the reflection problem is solved for one incident propagating mode: and all other are zero. At the diaphragm, there will be an infinite number of reflected and transmitted modes with coefficients and respectively, because at z=0 a linear combination of all the modes is needed to satisfy the boundary conditions at the diaphragm. The total radial electric field and azimuthal magnetic field are:
For z<0:



For z>0:



By using the boundary condition at the diaphragm for a<r<b and the continuity of the tangential field components in the aperture (z=0): and for , a matrix equation can be derived, whose solution yields the coefficients and . In the derivation, the orthonormality of the functions is used. This procedure is known as the mode-matching technique, see Masterman [1].
To obtain a matrix equation of finite size, the series of reflected and transmitted modes have to be truncated; therefore only a finite number of coefficients are calculated. Once the coefficients and are found, the total field can be calculated at every position in the waveguide. The most important coefficients are and . These are better known as the reflection coefficient R and transmission coefficient T. The coefficients are in general complex numbers, and as a measure for R, the susceptance B is defined as:

B is a real-valued quantity [2]. The susceptance B has been calculated as a function of the frequency , see figure 2.

Figure 2: The susceptance as a function of the frequency, using b=39 mm and a=10 mm.

The solid line is calculated by using the mode-matching technique and the dashed line represents an approximation for the susceptance given by an analytical formula derived with the small-aperture theory [3]:


where . This formula was derived by assuming that the aperture diameter is small compared to the guide wavelength . Calculations for smaller aperture radii show an even better agreement between the mode-matching solution and the approximation formula [2].

The periodic structure

In figure 3, a section of an infinitely long periodic structure is shown. The structure consists of an empty waveguide with radius b, containing diaphragms with aperture radius a, equally spaced at a distance d.

Figure 3: A section of the infinitely long periodic strucure.

It is assumed that the decaying modes excited at the diaphragms decrease to a negligible value at the neighbouring diaphragms and that only the reflected and transmitted propagating mode is of importance [2]. Once the coefficients for the back and forth propagating modes are found, the coefficients of the decaying modes can be calculated from the single-diaphragm theory discussed in the previous section.
The radial electric field of the propagating modes is:
For -d<z<0:

For 0<z<d:

Similar equations can be found for the azimuthal magnetic field. In the expression for , the term represents the field of the mode propagating in the positive z-direction. When is seen as an effective coefficient for this mode, the coefficient at the diaphragm (z=0) is , see figure 3. The coefficient at is called and is given by:


The other coefficients are defined in a similar way. The coefficients and are linked to and in the following way:


By using equations (16) and (17) together with equation (15) and similar equations for the other coefficients, a transfer matrix can be found which connects the coefficients and at with the coefficients and at :


The Floquet theorem, see Collin [3], links the fields at position to the fields at position :


where is the phase shift per cell. With this equation, a phase velocity can be defined, because at the time the fields at z+d are the same as the fields at position z for t=0. This gives a phase-velocity:

By combining equations (18) and (19), a matrix eigenvalue equation can be derived, which has the characteristic equation:


With B the susceptance. From equation (21) it can be observed that the phase shift per cell can also be negative, which yields a solution for waves travelling in the negative z-direction.
Since B has been calculated as a function of and k is also known as a function of from equation (4),

Figure 4: The frequency as a function of the phase shift per cell, using mm, mm and mm.

the phase shift per cell can be calculated as a function of , see figure 4. This figure was made using the parameters of the periodic structure of a 10 MeV linear travelling-wave electron accelerator with an operation mode . From figure 4, the frequency of this mode can be deduced. Once the frequency has been found, the eigenvalue problem can be solved and the coefficients of the propagating modes are obtained. With these, the coefficients of the decaying modes can be calculated by using the single diaphragm theory. For a phase shift of per cell, three cells are needed for the field description. Figure 5 shows the total longitudinal electric field on the z-axis in the three cells.

Figure 5: The -field on the axis for the mode. The solid line is the field calculated with the theory and the dashed line represents the field calculated with Superfish. The dashed line represents the field calculated from the Fourier coefficients of the mode given by the computercode Superfish [4].

Concluding remarks

The empty waveguide modes are a useful tool for the description of the electromagnetic field in periodically disk-loaded waveguides. With the mode-matching technique, the reflection of waves from an infinitely thin diaphragm is described accurately. The dispersion curve of the infinitely long periodic structure can be calculated and the calculated fields for a given frequency agree reasonably well with the fields calulated by Superfish.
To obtain more accurate results, the theory could be extended to include diaphragms of finite thickness [2] [5] and also to a description of aperiodic structures [6], which is important for the design of low-energy travelling-wave linacs.


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