An approach for designing superconducting high-current
ion linacs is described. This approach takes advantage of the
large velocity acceptance of high-gradient cavities with a small
number of cells. It is well known that this feature leads to a
linac design with great operational flexibility. Algorithms which
have been incorporated into a design code and a beam dynamics
code are discussed. Simulation results using these algorithms
are also presented.
The work presented here is part of an ongoing effort [1] to design reliable, low-loss, high-current, cw superconducting ion linacs for applications such as accelerator transmutation of waste, the next generation spallation neutron sources, and accelerator production of tritium. We have limited our effort to the design and simulation of a 100-1000 MeV, 100mA, cw linac which uses independently-phased elliptical multicell superconducting rf cavities to accelerate a proton beam. However, our approach should be more generally applicable. The expressions presented below can be used to determine the linac cavity parameters such as the number of cells/cavity, the velocity range over which a cavity can efficiently accelerate beam, and the required cavity gradient.
Our approach takes advantage of the large velocity
acceptance of high-gradient superconducting cavities. An analytic
model of multi-cell elliptical cavities excited in a -mode was
used to determine the initial cavity parameters. A simple cavity
field distribution was assumed where the fields are uniform in
the gaps and fall to zero immediately outside the gaps. With this
assumption, an approximate expression for the transit-time factor
can be given as a product of two separate
. The gap factor
is the transit time for a gap of length
and is given by the expression
. The synchronism
, is a function of the number of
cells per cavity
and of the ratio of the
reference-particle velocity,
, to the cavity
geometric velocity,
. The synchronism factor
is given by:
where . Figure 1 shows the
model predictions for the transit-time factor
various numbers of cells/cavity as a function of the ratio
In order to choose the number of cells per cavity, a compromise
must be made between many competing effects. As can be seen in
the figure, a small number of cells/cavity provides a large velocity
acceptance. Additionally, the power-coupler levels, for a given
beam current and field, are lower and the cavity field uniformity
is easier to maintain. Using a larger number of cells has the
advantage of reducing the overall number of system components,
system size, and system complexity. In our design example, we
have chosen 4 cells/cavity.
The rf power required to accelerate the beam can
be expressed as the product of the beam current times the energy
gain per cavity:
. (2)
Here, is the average beam
current and
is defined in terms of the
spatial average of the axial accelerating field
and the transit-time factor for the design velocity
is the transit-time
factor at the reference-particle velocity
is the phase of the field when the design
particle is at the center of a cavity; and
is the number of cells/cavity. The cell length equals
is the free-space wavelength. The
design velocity
is defined as the velocity
that gives the maximum transit-time factor. The velocities,
, are nearly, but not exactly, the same
due to the gap factor, which increases with increasing particle
velocity. This can be seen in Fig. 1. A higher velocity particle
spends less time in the gap, experiencing a smaller transit-time
reduction. The relation between
depends on the number of cells/cavity. For a 4-cell cavity,
The transit-time factor decreases as the reference-particle
velocity varies from
In order to efficiently accelerate the beam, we have arbitrarily
allowed the transit-time factor to decrease no more than 20% of
the maximum value for a given cavity of
cells. Equation 1 can be used to determine the velocity limits
for a given constant-
section (all identical
cavities) if the number of cells/cavity has been chosen. For a
4-cell cavity, it is found that
and 1.283. If the beam velocity is specified at either end of
the section,
and the
at the other end of the section
can be calculated from these ratios. For our design example with
a starting
(98.3 MeV) and using the
ratios above,
(261 MeV). Iteration for the next section
gave a
MeV). Therefore, for our example only two cavity types are required
(2 sections). We will call the 100-261 MeV section the medium-
section and the 261-1000 MeV section the high-
The amount of power per cavity available to accelerate
the beam is limited by rf power coupler capacity. We have assumed
a conservative maximum capacity of 105 kW per coupler and two
couplers per cavity (210 kW maximum per cavity). To obtain good
power efficiency, it is desirable to have all rf power couplers
deliver power at their maximum capacity. Therefore, all cavities
in a section will have an identical energy-gain per cavity if
is allowed to vary over the section. A
20% variation in
over the section will
be required to maintain a constant value of
over the entire velocity range due to the constraint
We have used the energy gain per cavity of the high-
section, since it contains the largest number of cavities, to
constrain the accelerating gradient throughout the linac. The
energy gain per cavity can be calculated using Eqn. 2. For
mA and
kW, the energy gain per cavity
is 2.10 MeV. For our design example, we have chosen
, and
(700 MHz)
which results in a value of
4.24 MV/m.
This is a relatively conservative accelerating gradient for superconducting
cavities and will be used for both sections of the linac in our
example. The energy gain/cavity for the medium-
section is reduced by the ratio of the medium-
to high-
cell lengths and is 1.44 MeV.
In order to generate a linac design, a computer design
program was written which uses an iterative procedure to determine
the required rf field amplitude and injection phase for each cavity
such that the desired energy gain per cavity, ,
and average synchronous phase is achieved. In order to achieve
this, the cavity rf amplitudes must vary as a function of beam
energy to compensate for the variation in the transit-time factor.
The algorithm we have used is an iteration procedure
which can be used to generate a linac cavity-by-cavity. It assumes
that ,
, and
are specified, and that
can be calculated.
A polynomial fit obtained from actual elliptical cavity shapes,
developed using the MAFIA codes, was used to specify
Initial guesses for the injection phase(
at the center of the first gap, and cavity field (
are calculated using the expressions:
, (3)
where is the phase of the
field when the design particle is at the center of a cavity (average
phase) and
is the average velocity calculated
using the average beam energy in the cavity,
The average of the transit-time factors for the inner and end
cells of a cavity,
, seen in Eqn. 3, is
given by
. These transit-time factors differ
because of the field leakage at the end cells into the beam pipe
due to the large cavity bore. Equation 4 is merely a phase shift
from the physical center of the multi-cell cavity back to the
center of the first gap seen by the beam.
Next, an integration over all -cells
in the cavity is performed to determine the beam output energy
) and phase (
. (6)
The average cavity phase is then calculated from
, and is compared
to the desired average phase. We have required that these two
average phases agree to within 0.05. If not, a new guess for the
injection phase is made using
, and a new
iteration is begun. Once an injection phase for the cavity has
been determined, a comparison is also made between the calculated
energy gain and the desired energy gain. If the difference in
energy gain is greater than 1 keV, a new guess for the cavity
field is determined using
, and a new iteration
is begun. We have found this algorithm to converge rapidly.
In order to perform simulations using the results of the design code, a beam dynamics simulation code to model elliptical superconducting cavities was written. This code is not discussed here, only the simulation results. It should be noted that, the linac example presented here is unoptimized. We have chosen conservative requirements for the various system components, most of which have already been demonstrated in existing accelerators or laboratory tests.
Table 1 gives some of the accelerator parameters.
The linac consists of two sections (medium-
and high-
). Each section is composed of
identical 4-cell elliptical cavities, with cell lengths equal
. The
- values
for the two sections are
=0.48 and
as discussed earlier. A cryostat containing two cavities forms
a cryomodule. In this example, transverse focusing is provided
by quadrupole doublets between each cryomodule. The power from
each klystron would be split among four cavities and fed to each
cavity using two antenna-type power couplers, each capable of
handling 105 kW.
Table 1 - High-Energy
Superconducting Accelerator Parameters
Parameter | |
Energy Range (MeV) | 100 - 1000 |
Frequency (MHz) | 700 |
Beam Current (mA) | 100 |
No. of Sections | 2 |
No. of Cavities | 488 |
No. of Cryostats | 244 |
No. of Klystrons | 122 |
Cavities/Cryostat | 2 |
Cavities/Klystron | 4 |
Cells/Cavity | 4 |
RF Couplers/Cavity | 2 |
RF Power/Klystron (MW) | 0.67 (med.-), 1.0 (high-) |
RF Power/Coupler (kW) | 72 (med.-), 105 (high-) |
Accelerating Field, Ea (MV/m) | 4.2-5.3 |
Average Phase (deg) | -35 |
Aperture Radius (cm) | 5.0 (med.-),
7.2 (high-) |
Simulation results for the ideal linac show emittance growths from 100-1000 MeV of 25% and 8%, respectively, for the transverse and longitudinal degrees of freedom. We have used the ratio of transverse aperture radius to rms beam size as a figure of merit in our designs. For this example, our simulation results show this ratio ranges from 19 to 26, which is comparable to past results for room-temperature designs.
The large velocity acceptance of these cavities allows
operational flexibility. In normal operation, the multi-cell cavities
will be operated for a specific energy gain per cavity (medium-
1.44 MeV, high-
2.1 MeV) with an average synchronous phase
of -35. To investigate alternative operating schemes that use
the inherent flexibility of a linac built from independently-phased
resonators, three examples were simulated. The simulation results
are given in Table 2, below. Case 1 assumes that all cavities
will be operated at a constant accelerating field of
MV/m. This is the maximum field under normal operating conditions.
In this scheme, the energy gain per cavity is no longer fixed.
We have assumed a cavity average synchronous phase of -35. As
can be seen, the beam output energy is raised by 99 MeV. The changes
in output beam emittances and ratio of transverse aperture to
rms beam size are small. Also shown in Table 2 is the minimum
required beam current to produce 100-MW output beam power at 1099
MeV. This example demonstrates an alternative operating scheme
which could be used in the event of source output current degradation.
In Case 2, the average synchronous phase has been reduced to -25.
As is expected, the output energy is further increased to 1179
MeV. In Case 3, the cavity fields have been increased by 33%.
This scheme demonstrates a possible upgrade path, which would
require significantly increased power-coupler capabilities and
klystron output to produce 130 MW of beam power, without requiring
additional accelerating cavities. In the last two schemes, there
is a slight degradation in the ratio of transverse aperture to
rms beam size. Transverse emittance growth is observed in all
cases, which is comparable to the 25% observed for the nominal
operating mode. The effects of emittance growth on beam uniformity
at a neutron production target have not been studied.
Table 2 - Alternative
operating schemes for the high-energy superconducting option.
Required beam current is the beam current required to produce
a 100-MW beam power.
Case | Output
Energy (MeV) | Trans.
Emittance Growth | Long.
Emittance Growth | Required
Beam Current | Aperture
Ratio, Med.-, High- |
1 | 1099 | 17% | -5% | 91 mA | 18, 21 |
2 | 1179 | 32% | 98% | 85 mA | 18, 20 |
3 | 1297 | 19% | -4% | 77 mA | 17, 20 |
Experience at operating superconducting accelerator
facilities has shown that often there is a large variation in
the maximum accelerating gradients achieved in identical multi-cell
accelerating cavities. Typically these are
cavities used to accelerate electron beams. If cavities fail or
perform at lower than expected accelerating gradients, the gradients
and rf phases in the other cavities are adjusted to compensate
and provide the required additional energy gain. A possible solution
to increase machine availability is to provide additional accelerating
cavities, thus anticipating some fraction of cavity failures.
We simulated a case where 5% of the total cavities were failed
(every 20th cavity off) with 5% additional cavities added to the
section. Simulation results, using
a simple algorithm for setting the cavity phases, showed a transmission
of 100% with a reduced output beam energy of 993.4 MeV for this
case. Small adjustments of the phases should restore the correct
final beam energy. The transverse and longitudinal emittances
were observed to grow by factors of 2.9 and 6.8, respectively;
however, only small reductions in the aperture to rms values were
[1] D. K. C. Chan, "Conceptual Design of a Superconducting
High Intensity Proton Linac," this conference.
*Work supported by the U. S. Department of Energy