The paper continues the study of an undulator linear
accelerator (UNDULAC). The various versions of UNDULAC with transverse
and longitudinal RF fields are investigated. The suggested method
of beam focusing and acceleration can be considered as the special
case of those by means of two nonsynchronized waves. The comparison
with two wave approximation method, where the accelerating wave
synchronizes and the focusing wave doesn't synchronize with beam,
is described. This comparison is suitable for demonstration of
the capabilities of the new method.
It is known, that one wave can not simultaneously accelerate and focusing the particles of beam. In a normal drift tube linac (DTL) where one synchronous wave is present, longitudinal beam stability is provided, but then transverse beam defocusing occurs inevitably. The transverse beam stability can be ensured by quadruple magnets, installed in the drift tubes, or by.a.focusing wave which has a phase velocity different from the equilibrium particle velocity (RF-focusing). In a conventional low energy ion DTL, it is difficult to install focusing magnets of sufficient strength in the very short drift tubes. That is why RF-focusing is used. The simplest RF-focusing principle for periodical structure was suggested by Good [1] and Faynberg [2] and was named an alternating phase focusing (APF). Such focusing can be realized by changing the drift tube lengths and applying some gaps to one period. The beam dynamics theories for APF have been proposed in many papers [3-5]. The main idea consists of the study of space harmonics influence on beam dynamics. The accelerating harmonic synchronizes with beam, whereas the focusing harmonics have phase velocities different from equilibrium particle velocity. In the paper [4] it was shown that the two travelling waves approach can be applied to three main types of APF. In contrast to the two wave approximation, a standing wave approach for many harmonics was used in the theory discussed in [5].
The other way to create three-dimensional potential
well by means of two nonsynchronous waves was mentioned in the
paper [6]. Summary field can accelerate
particles efficiently with simultaneous achievement of longitudinal
and transverse beam stability, if
are linked by a relation
In the low energy ion accelerator it is difficult to create resonator
system for the two varied frequencies. However in the case, when
one of frequencies
(a static field of
undulator), the problems with RF-system tuning do not arise. The
idea to apply a combination of undulator field and RF field for
acceleration and focusing of ion beams was discussed in [7] for
magnetostatic undulator (UNDULAC-M) and electrostatic undulator
At first, we discuss the motion equation for a particle
in the UNDULAC-M. The coordinates and the kinetic momentums of
the particles can be expressed by the summation of two different
type of motion: the slowly varying and
the rapidly oscillating
By averaging
over rapid oscillations, we obtain the equation, that describes
the slow evolution of
where is the total vector
potential of RF field and periodical field of undulator. Taking
into account only the main space harmonics of the magnetostatic
and electromagnetic field in
RF structure
the equation (1) can be rewritten in the form
- the RF-field wavelength,
- the undulator
The potential function
is the particle phase in
the composite wave field,
- the initial
- the normalized velocity of the
synchronous particle.
The same equation can be obtained for the UNDULAC-E,
where the potential function
Here are the dimensionless
amplitudes of the basic RF-field harmonic and the first electrostatic
field harmonic.
The acceleration rate is proportional to the amplitudes
of the RF and the undulator fields. The energy increase is maximum,
when or
the choice of the magnetic (electrostatic) undulator type and
field orientation depend on the RF-structure type [7].
In order to achieve effective beam bunching and capture
the function and undulator period have
to grow and the synchronous phase has to decrease from
For example, if the synchronous phase
is the factor of sliding, the undulator
period is growing and can be calculated by the formula
The acceleration gradient of the synchronous particle
is basic
nonsynchronous harmonic amplitude,
an acceleration efficient factor for UNDULAC-M and for UNDULAC-E
It is interesting to compare this acceleration method
with APF linac for resonant periodical structure, where RF field
has one synchronous harmonic and a number
of nonsynchronous harmonics
The equation
of motion for APF linac can be received in the smooth approximation
as above
where is the amplitude of
synchronous harmonic. The potential function
is analogous to (4) and consists of two parts:
is the nonsynchronous harmonic
amplitudes of RF-field,
For two travelling waves
In this
approach the acceleration gradient is proportional
and is independent on the nonsynchronous harmonic
For the resonant structure only a standing wave approach must
be used. In this case the all back waves are considered. The conditions
of longitudinal beam stability are changed because of
If the amplitude of the nonsynchronous harmonics are large, additional
maxima and minimuma in the longitudinal potential well occur.
The phase trajectories are deformed and new separatrixs appear
on the phase plane. In the APF linac the velocities of the nonsynchronous
harmonics are approaching to equilibrium velocity, when the injection
ion beam energy is low. In this case the resonant capture of particles
is possible and overlap of a synchronous
resonance with another one on the phase plane takes place. As
a result longitudinal stochastic instability occurs [8]. The magnitudes
of the nonsynchronous harmonic amplitudes must be chosen to retain
large longitudinal acceptance. But the most important circumstance,
which limiting the amplitudes of harmonics in APF linac, is the
realization of transverse beam focusing.
Let us consider first the transverse beam focusing in UNDULAC. The choice of the RF-field harmonic amplitude and the undulator field harmonic amplitude is not arbitrary because it is necessary to keep up the focusing of the beam simultaneously with acceleration. The total effect can be found only from the analysis of equation
Equilibrium trajectories may exist for all particle phase, if two conditions are valid
In a simple case the potential functions
can be found without considering higher harmonics of the RF-field
and undulator field (3), (4). The motion around an equilibrium
trajectory is stable if the potential has an absolute minimum.
The analysis of the transverse stability for undulators of different
types shows, that trajectory of the particle with any phase is
stable in the transverse movement, if
It is
possible to express the acceleration efficient factor
in (6) with the amplitude of the main nonsynchronous RF-field
The acceleration rate decreases when
and the beam velocity grow. This fact indicates that UNDULAC is
more suitable for the low energy region.
The exact magnitude can
be found after analysis of decisions of (9) and (10) where the
influence of the higher harmonics must be accounted for. It is
important also to study non-linear oscillations of the beam particles
to investigate the coupling resonances. As a rule the higher harmonic
amplitudes reduce the quality of the bunch and must be minimized.
For APF linac it is necessary to have large amplitudes
of the higher harmonics to supply the transverse beam focusing.
When only one synchronous and one nonsynchronous
harmonics of the travelling wave are
taken into account, the condition stability for a small oscillations
can be derived from equation (7), where
The amplitude and the acceleration
rate can be large when the synchronous phase
and the longitudinal acceptance is small. The trajectory of the
particle with any phase
is stable in
the transverse direction, when
To express the acceleration rate with nonsynchronous
harmonics amplitude we use
where the factor This magnitude
coincides with (11) for UNDULAC.
For the resonator structure it is necessary to use
a standing wave approach and to take into account a number of
nonsynchronous harmonics. As it was showed above in this case
the acceleration rate and the longitudinal
acceptance may be inferior to the two wave approximation. The
analysis of the transverse stability for APF linac may be implemented
if the potential function
is used. As
in the UNDULAC the higher nonsynchronous harmonics reduce the
longitudinal and transverse acceptances in the APF linac.
As it was shown above, the longitudinal or the transverse
RF-field can be used for acceleration and focusing of ion beams
in the UNDULAC. There is no need for drift tubes. It simplifies
the design of RF-system and makes it possible to operate at higher
frequency or in a lower- region than usual
ion RF-accelerator. Many versions of unconventional design permit
the increase of the ion beam intensity in the UNDULAC.
The current may be increased for a ribbon beam with the large cross-section. Study of the ribbon ion beam interaction with the RF-field in the plane electrostatic undulator was carried out in the paper [9].
For UNDULAC-M, it is impossible to obtain the large cross-section area of the beam. However, there is an opportunity to accelerate more then one beam in the magnetic channel because there are no drift tubes. The task is to choose a special symmetry of the transverse RF-field and periodical magnetostatic field. The RF system must have a small transverse dimension to fit inside the undulator. Therefore, it is preferable to use a multielectrode line where transverse electromagnetic waves(TEM or TE) travel [10].
The one more interesting method for increasing of
the ion beam intensity in UNDULAC exists. How was shown the potential
function depends on the particle charge
squared, and the motions of positive and negative charged ions
are identical. This fact can be used for compensation of the space
charge by acceleration of ions with different signs of the charge
in the same bunch. Study of the possibility of simultaneous acceleration
of both positive and negative ions with the identical charge-to-mass
ratio in UNDULAC is great interest because in all kinds of RF
accelerators (DTL, RFQ, APF), this opportunity can not be realized
A use of the undulator and RF resonator system to
accelerate low energy ion beams promises to be a very perspective
practice. The conditions to achieve both the transverse focusing
and large longitudinal acceptance are found. The acceleration
rate for UNDULAC is comparable with the acceleration rate for
APF linac, but the definite advantages exist for UNDULAC. For
acceleration of ions it possible to use not only longitudinal,
but also transverse RF- fields. There is no need to have the drift
tubes in the RF-structure, where only one nonsynchronous wave
is travelling. It simplifies the design of RF-system and permits
to reduce a RF power losses in the walls and to increase the ion
beam intensity. Three methods for increasing of the ion beam intensity
in UNDULAC are suggested.
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