Power Reactor
and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation(PNC)
4002 Narita, Oarai-machi,
Ibaraki-ken 311-13 Japan
A high power CW (Continuous Wave) electron linac has been developed so as to accelerate 10 MeV-100 mA beam, and its injector section has been completed in 1996 at PNC. It is essential for higher beam acceleration to reduce the beam instability caused by the space charge effect and the beam-cavity interaction. Both are important for PNC linac, because an accelerator with a high beam loading generally has a low accelerating gradient.
In this paper, beam induced fields for the regular
section with PNC accelerator structure are examined by means of
a numerical wake field analysis. The BBU start current is estimated
in the relationship of the wake potential to space charge force
in injector section.
The development of a high current electron accelerator is being carried out to target to treat high level nuclear wastes via photo-nuclear reaction which is selective and clean more then the spallation reaction. The elementary design and the experiments [1-3] for the high current linac are in progress using L-band RF source which is effective to a high beam loading. The traveling wave accelerator with an RF feed back called Traveling Wave Resonant Ring (TWRR) is employed to get higher energy transfer with a shorter accelerator length, the reasonable cost, and the ease of the maintenance. The accelerator structure has a constant gradient disk loaded type and accelerate 80 pC charge per bunch for 100 mA average current. The accelerating gain from PNC structure is 1.3 MeV which is so low compared with S-band linac that the effect on the beam such as a microwave instability may cause undesirable beam broadening in longitudinal and transverse direction at lower than usual beam current.
In the regular section which beam energy is over
than 3 MeV in PNC linac, the beam instability originates
from the interaction with the accelerator structure. The analysis
for this interaction is recently developed by means of a wake
field approach for both circular and linear accelerators. Monopole
and dipole components of wake field a nd related loss factors
were calculated by ABCI [4] and MAFIA [5] T3 in order to have
the potential and voltage compared with the accelerating condition.
Finally, the BBU start current was estimated by the scaling of
the wake voltage with the voltage and the space charge parameter
of the behavior in the envelope equations.
When charged particle passes through a structure
with the speed of light c, it produces the electromagnetic field.
The wake fields and
[6, 7] both for monopole and dipole
components are described as
where and B are the
electric and magnetic fields produced inside the cavity, and Q
and s are the bunch current and the bunch coordinate, respectively.
The coordinate inside the cavity is represented in cylindrical
in this case. The associated loss factors k0
and the induced voltage
are presented
is a bunch distribution.
is the wake voltage derived by the total beam
bunch and the wake potential for the longitudinal and transverse
in each. These quantities except the induced voltage are ready
to several codes for numerical calculation.
The actual parameters for the calculation used for the beam and the accelerator structure is summarized in Table 1. The typical dimensions of the accelerator structure used are a = 50, b = 90, t = 8 and D = 24 mm, which are exactly or approximately equal to the actual structure dimensions for PNC linac. The beam bunch shape is assumed filamentary and gaussian shape in the longitudinal direction. Numerical calculation was done mainly by ABCI because of the less demand of cpu time, while MAFIA was used for 3-dimensional structures which is not available for ABCI. In the case of off-centered beam, MAFIA is suited because of the symmetry free input for the beam parameter.
Monopole and dipole component were estimated to examine
the dependence of the bunch shape, the cell distance and cell
shape distance.
The analysis was carried out for the
cases of a single cavities and the accelerator structure consists
of many cells in order to make the effects in PNC linac clear.
Iris (a) | 90 (mm) |
Boa (b) | 50 (mm) |
Disk thickness (t) | 8 |
Pulse Length | 0.3 ~ 200 (mm) |
Periodic distance(D) | 24 ~ 64 (mm) |
Charge of single bunch (Q) | 80 (pC) |
Bunch length | 0.3 ~ 200 (mm) |
Beam displacement | 0 ~ 20 (mm) |
In the case of 2.5 mm bunch seen in Fig. 1, there exists one down warding swing which is essentially only a spike in this situation. This picture is magnified for an only shot to display the potential on the beam bunch. Figure 1 has the abscissas which is presented by volt. The gradient of the curve has a down swing at first which means the gradient of the wake field is negative, which can cause to have an attractive force on particles in the right-shoulder in the bunch. The bias is changed around 10 cm bunch length. The wake potential for 10 cm and 1 cm are 10 V and 50 V in each for each 80 pC of the single bunch. the voltages are small enough to consider the stability for PNC linac.
Fig. 1 Wake voltage from single cavity.
The analysis of the potential dependence for an off-cantered
beam shows that there is basically only a spike both in the longitudinal
and transverse wake fields. But MAFIA calculation may neglect
calculation of higher frequency area, because of luck of cpu time.
This picture notices also that the beam bunch gets an attractive
force for the longitudinal wake field at first and a repulsive
force for the transverse. The shapes of the potential are the
same but the amplitudes are different. The loss factor normalized
to a single bunch current and an induced transverse voltage is
summarized in Table 2. The deflection voltage for 1 cm off-centered
filamentary beam with bunch length of 0.3 cm is almost -200
V which corresponds to 6 KV/m in the beam pipe. This potential
is not so strong compared with the potentials in the beam pipe
in present colliders like SLC and designed value for SSC. Total
loss of a wider beam is reduced for transverse case, while the
factor is enhanced for the longitudinal. The energy emission is
clearly mainly by longitudinal process. Effectively there is no
significance for such a small energy loss into cavity for PNC
(cm) | (V)*** | (V) |
![]() | ||
![]() | ||
The examples of wake potentials and the impedances are pictured
in Fig. 2 for the longitudinal and transverse wake field resulted
from changing the cell displacement. The effect is totally capacitive
because of actual bunch length and the speed of an electron beam.
The patterns of the potential change very little in different
cell numbers. This is caused by that Fourier component of the
wake field has stronger fundamental than high harmonics, which
can be travel inside the accelerator guide. This seems plausible
because the impedance spectrum has a strong peak around 1.25 GHz
which mode is 2/3. The dependence of Fourier component for
the bunch length between 0.3~1.0 cm is nearly constant. The strength
of the longitudinal wake potential is basically smaller than the
gradient from RF in monopole case. In the dipole case, it gets
larger, but still is coherent with bunching effect as mentioned
in single cavity case. It is notable from general analysis that
in the case of 3.3~10 cm bunch length in which the bunch length
is nearly equal to the depth of the cavity, there is strong resonance
which is chanced by the accelerator structure. It is seen in the
impedance calculation that the resonance of wake field is build
by 1.9 GHz RF in the transverse
wake potential.
From a numerical evaluation, the transverse
spike amounts to -270 V/pC, which correspond to -2.2
kV per bunch. This value is smaller than 100 kV order which appears
in modern colliders. Qualitatively, just like a theory of a electron
synchrotron, the tune shift by space charge is also applicable
to a linac. In the scaling the space charge parameter
in the envelope equation from the value of modern colliders to
one for PNC linac, the wake transverse voltage is 100 times higher
than the voltage from 0.1 A beam. However, the space charge parameter
for the wake voltage for 1 cm radius beam is 10-12
and still 10-2 smaller than beam defocusing
value emerged in colliders. The margin from 0.1 A is order of
one hundred. Therefore, from above comparison, BBU starting current
is assumed around 5 A for PNC linac.
Fig. 2 Wake potential from PNC accelerator
The longitudinal wake field has one down swing followed by many smaller oscillation in the beam condition of PNC linac. It may assist phase stability if the attractive force and repulsive wake can be controlled so as to synchronize with RF bucket. Transverse wake field is 100 times higher than the space charge force but still considerably lower than the wake field of present linear colliders. The wake field in the accelerator guide for PNC linac is formed from the coherent sum of single cells. The longitudinal wake has the same period as RF frequency. The dipole component has -2.2 KV, which is the highest potential of all transverse field. The transverse wake potential in PNC structure is essentially not so high that BBU by the transverse component is expected not to start up to 5 A.
There is a possibility that the longitudinal instability
comes first because of phase instability. It is important to observe
the bunch lengthening which is common phenomena called microwave
instability known circular accelerators. The accumulation of wake
field should be estimated for more accurate estimates for the
BBU for TWRR. It is important to analyze an overlap integral of
higher frequency from the dispersion relation in TWRR which may
have a resonance.
[1] S. Tôyama et al., "High Power Linac in PNC", Proceeding of 1993 Particle Accelerator Conference, Washington D.C., p. 546 (1993).
[2] M. Nomura et al., "Status of High Power CW Linac at PNC", Proceeding of 1994 European Particle accelerator Conference, London, p. 546 (1993).
[3] K. Hirano et al., "Development of High Power 1.2 Mw CW L-band Klystron", Proceeding of 1995 Particle Accelerator Conference, Dallas, p. 745 (1996).
[4] Y.H. Chin, "User's guide for ABCI Version 8.8", LBL-35258 (1994).
[5] MAFIA group, "MAFIA(_320) The ECAD System", (1994).
[6] O. Napoly et al., "A generalized method for calculating wake potentials", Nucl. Instr. and Meth A 334, p. 225 (1993).
[7] P.L. Morton, "Introduction to Impedance
For Short Relativistic Beam", SLAC-PUB-6052 (1993).