J. Wo owski
, P. Parys
, E. Woryna
J. Krása , L. Láska
, K. Masek
, K. Rohlena
Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw
Institute of Physics, Acad.Sci.Czech Rep., Prague
The analyser devices use either an electric field alone to separate the
ion species as in the IEA or the combined electric and magnetic field in
the TS. The geometry of IEA is that of a cylindrical capacitor segment,
where the radial electrostatic field separates the ions entering through
a slit. The sensor is a vacuum windowless electron multiplier. An IEA
requires a repetitive laser operation (typically 20 shots) to determine
the charge energy spectrum.
Figure 1: IC signals and IEA record of Bi.
TS renders the whole spectrum in a single shot, but the resolution power for highly charged species is poor. The output picture formed either on an ion sensitive foil or a multichannel plate is composed of a set of parabolas, each corresponding to a single value of e/m. Whereas for light elements like contaminants in the vacuum of the target chamber the parabolas are quite distinct, the higher charges usually coalesce. In practice it is thus imperative to use an IEA to get a quantitative answer. However, if the recordings of the TA are processed numerically, in particular, a grid of precalculated parabolas is overlapped with the output the identification of ion groups is fast and convincing. Both the devices are difficult to calibrate absolutely, but placing a coaxial IC in the path of flight of an IEA makes an absolute calibration possible. Examples of ion collector signals and electrostatic analyser spectra for Bi is shown in Fig. 1. Two groups of ions (fast and thermal) are clearly discernable on the charge-integrated and time-resolved signal from an ion collector, which was located in a far expansion zone. The spectra in Fig. 1 clearly prove the existence of ions with charge states about 50+. We registered fully stripped Al, or nearly stripped Co and Ni, and ions with charge state higher than 48+ of heavy elements: Ta, W, Pt, Au, Pb and Bi. In principal, the mass-to-charge ratios, energies and abundance of the emitted ions can be determined from the spectra. The ions are not only generated, but also accelerated. The maximum energy of the ions increases with the laser power density. In our experiments with high-Z targets the highly ionized ions with energies up to several MeV were registered. Keeping in mind a two group electron model [3] the fast ion expansion velocity can be interpreted as a sound speed with the hot electron temperature.
Estimates of the ion current density and the number of ions with a given
charge state produced during a single laser shot were performed by
processing of the IC signal with the use of the data from IEA spectra.
The total maximum ion current density attained with lense
94cm from a Ta target (recalculated value
according to
law) using the parabolic mirror. An evaluation of
the experimental data pointed out that about
of the ions of their
total amount are in a high charge states (from 35+ to 45+). When
recalculated to the number of the particles our measurements give thus
at least
of ions in a single charge state within a single pulse
lasting about
. The maximum values are observed in the direction
of the normal to the target, as it follows from the measurements with
the parabolic mirror. To obtain the entire ion energy distribution for
a single value of the laser energy a series of measurements changing the
analyzer voltage was made. As the measurements are fairly laborious and
time consuming they were performed only for Ta- ions, see [3].
Exploiting the theoretical considerations in [4-8] a dependence of the average charge state of ions on electron temperature was constructed, which is shown in Fig. 2. It is seen that an average charge state of Ta-ions 45 is attainable at an electron temperature of about 1.0 - 1.5 keV, while at the same temperature the average charge state of Au- and Bi-ions is 51 and 55, respectively. This corresponds to the electronic structure of the heavy ions, which unlike the neutral atoms tend to form a closed electron shell with 28 electron left (Ni-like ions). For a further ionization a fairly high potential barrier would have to be overcome. In this sense it is easier to achieve a higher ionization degree starting from heavier elements.
Figure 2: Calculated mean charge of Ta, Au and Bi dependent on the
electron temperature
The generation of the ions in the laser plasma, as far as their charge states and numbers are concerned, is very sensitive to the position of the laser focus with respect to the target surface. The results of our studies of the effect of focus setting on the ion emission is summarized in Fig. 3. There is a position of the target lying behind the true focus (aim in front of the target surface), which is most favourable not only for generation of the highly ionized particles but also for attaining a maximum yield of the ions. Then it is most likely that the laser shots aimed repeatedly in the same point on the target surface deteriorate both the amount and the average charge state of the emitted ions. It was found that after the 3rd laser shot the plasma parameters are so changed that the energetic highly charged ions are missing and the total ion emission is much weaker.
Figure 3: Dependence of the ion current
and of the mean charge on the focus setting
Discussion and Conclusions
For the lead ions experiment an ideal source should yield
Pb45+ 3.6mAIn deriving these numbers it was assumed that the extraction voltage is set to 80kV and no stripper. This compares with the numbers obtained e.g. with the iodine laser using a Ta target(
ions) 17.3keV/u
Pb54+ 4.3mA
ions) 20.8keV/u
Ta42+In the last line the second number is the current density in the collector current maximum of the fast ion group (about![]()
ions) 12.7keV/u
A certain improvement might be expected resorting still to shorter wavelenght laser. Then there is a less acceleration and the energy spectrum is narrower. Equally a larger focus, while keeping the power density constant, might supply more ions, but at the cost of a disproportionate increase in the pulse energy, since not only the focus area grows, but also the pulse should be prolonged, see [1]. But it is unlikely that the timing of the pulse might be reconciled with the LHC injection demands without a major change in the subsequent acceleration regime,
[2] S. Denus et al., J.Tech.Phys. 1825 (1977)
[3] L. Láska et al., Rev.Sci.Instrum. 67 950 (1996)
[4] M. E. Glinsky, Phys.Rev. 2(7) 2796 (1995)
[5] L. M. Wickens, J. E. Allen, J.Plasma Phys. 22 167 (1979)
[6] J. Farny, PhD Thesis, MUT Warsaw 1985
[7] I. V. Roudskoy, PhD Thesis, ITEP Moscow 1993
[8] M. Busquet, Phys.Rev.B52 2302 (1982)