We would like to use e-mail as much as possible for the submission of abstracts for consideration for the Linac96 conference. However, submissions by normal mail or fax would be acceptable for those who do not have e-mail facilities.
Abstracts should be in plain ASCII text avoiding the use, if possible, of special mathematical equations or symbols, footnotes and references. If it is felt that equations or special formatting are essential for the abstract, then normal mail should be used or the abstract sent as a word processed file (Word, Word Perfect, Write) as an attachment to the mail. In the latter case, the mail body must indicate the word processor and version used.
The format of the abstract should be as follows :
Header : LINAC96 Abstract
Author's(s') affiliation
Keywords : (as chosen by author but may be changed for publication)
Abstract body (maximum 200 words)
[Textual list of any special characters (if used and indicated in body text)]
For Poster presentations, indicate if you would be prepared to give a short (five minutes maximum) oral preview of your paper if selected by the programme committee.
Presenting author
Presenting author's address, e-mail, telephone and telefax numbers
Signature for normal mail and fax submissions
Abstracts should be sent to :
E-mail : L96proc@www.cern.ch
Mail : Linac96 Proceedings
CERN, PS Division
1211 Geneva 23
Fax : +41 22 767 91 45, Subject "Linac96 Abstract"