Performance of the CERN Linac 2 with a High Intensity Proton RFQ
C.E. Hill, A.M. Lombardi, W. Pirkl, E. Tanke and M. Vretenar
CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Keywords :Pre-Injector, RFQ2, Large Hadron Collider
During the 1993 CERN shut-down the 750 kV Cockroft-Walton pre-injector of Linac 2 (including its low energy beam transport) was replaced by the high intensity RFQ2 and its associated proton source, 90 kV pre-injector and beam transport elements. A higher current and a better matching to the linac were required for the production of a high brightness beam for the Proton Synchrotron Booster, the next accelerator in the injection chain of the future Large Hadron Collider.
This paper covers the RFQ2 installation and running-in at the linac, the simulations and measurements to determine the new parameter set-up for Linac2, the measurements of beam intensity and quality at the output of the linac and how they compare with beam dynamics simulations. The first operating experience of Linac 2 with its new injector is also described.
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C.E. Hill
1211 Geneva 23
Telephone : +41 22 767 36 59, Telefax : +41 22 767 91 45
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