During the past five years, the control system software
toolkit called EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control
System), has developed from a comparatively small code co-development
effort between Los Alamos National Laboratory and Argonne National
Laboratory into an international collaboration on real-time distributed
control systems. The wide application of this set of tools is
the result of a combination of high performance, scaleable distributed
control and well defined open interfaces between system layers
that encourage users to add extensions. These extensions can subsequently
be reused by others, adding to the utility of the tools. This
paper will describe the architectural features that have supported
these extensions, some of the new extensions produced by the 58
projects currently using EPICS and some of the new functions and
interfaces we are planning to add to this control system toolkit.
The development of EPICS started with a few fundamental
user- driven requirements. Heading the list was the need for a
control system that could be expanded easily and could concurrently
support subsystem development and commissioning as well as integrated
operation of an entire accelerator facility. A maximum level of
functional flexibility in the control system software without
additional programming was also a prime requirement. Further,
the software needed to provide excellent real-time performance
to close control loops in and between subsystems. These and other
functional requirements were met in the original design of the
EPICS control system toolkit that employs a client/server architecture
for data transport to all system components and a modular, "process
model" database for data acquisition and control.
Two structures fundamental to EPICS success
The two structures are: a distributed control system architecture based on client/server data communications and a modular "process model" database. The requirement to provide independent sub-system operation as well as integrated system control in a scaleable control system was addressed by the first of these fundamental structures, a distributed control system architecture-based on a client/server data communications design[1]. The server module resides in each one of the system controllers along with that controller's portion of the distributed database. From there, the server is able to send any value, calibration, alarm status, etc. to any client application, e.g., a display, archiver, etc., that requests that data by name. The multiple instances of the server in a control system respond to a request for data by searching for the named data in their local portion of the distributed database. If a server has the requested data in the local portion of the database, it responds to the request and the client then initiates a connection to that data. This allows any of an arbitrary number of data-using clients to receive data from any of an arbitrary number of data-supplying servers without the client needing to know the location or other attributes of the data. The result is an easily scaleable control system which can operate as separate independent controllers in an integrated system.
The functional flexibility requirements were met by EPICSí second fundamental structure, a modular ìprocess modelî in the EPICS database[2]. A process model was embodied in a unique active database distributed to the many controllers in a control system. The process model consists of a set of input, process and output records in the database that are scanned by time or event. An input record for any type of data source can be selected from an extensible set that includes discrete (binary), analog and waveform (array) input records. These input records, when scanned, will interact with software drivers and acquire data from the facility through a wide variety of supported VME, VXI, CAMAC, or industrial data acquisition modules. The data measurement thus acquired can be linked to one or more of a set of process records that can transform the data, or can contain a feedback controller (e.g. PID), or can generate a sequence of outputs. These outputs can be linked to discrete, analog, positioner, etc. output records which provide feedback to the facility. Input and output records may be used independently for supervisory control or linked with process records in an almost unlimited variety of combinations to provide automatic control for most of a facilityís data acquisition or control needs.
The EPICS database is generated by data-driven configuration
tools and for most data acquisition and control no additional
programming is required. Using these tools, the control system
implementers can respond rapidly to changes in control requirements.
Using EPICS client/server data communication called ìchannel
accessî, an X-Windows based operator interface can display
any of the input, process, output, status, alarm, etc., values
in the database from anywhere on the control system network. These
fundamental structures and a set of tools for creating process
databases, for creating operator displays and for archiving data
were in the initial software toolkit that was the basis for the
EPICS collaboration.
The next phase of EPICS development began with code
development collaborations with several large facilities then
under construction. During control system development for these
large facilities, new requirements were identified and the set
of interfaces in EPICS were extended.
The original client/server channel access data communication
network defined an interface between the hardware, driver, data
acquisition, control, and database functions on the server side
and other control system functions such as data display, operator
control, archive, analysis, etc., on the client side. This clean
client/server interface was the basis for the first major expansion
of EPICS when we began our collaborative co-development effort
in 1989. The Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National
Laboratory, uses EPICS to control a linac, a positron accumulator
ring, a booster, a storage ring and a large number of x-ray beamlines.
To respond to facility requirements to monitor the alarm status
of 160,000 data channels distributed over more than 100 controllers,
APS designed and implemented an alarm manager client to group,
sort, log and acknowledge alarms as well as a knob manager to
connect a hardware knob to a controllers and a general purpose
monitor and control tool, Probe. The APS team also interfaced
the EPICS channel access client software to several commercial
data analysis and presentation packages including PvWave and WingZ
enabling the analysis of any data item in the system. Later, they
implemented a MOTIF based operator interface to add drag and drop
capabilities to the operator interface. Outside Paris, SACLAY
added SL-GMS as an operator interface client based on their need
for a richer set of display objects to provide the control required
for the Tesla Test Facility injector development program. A client
interface to Dataviews was implemented at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
(LBL), for use on the Gamma Sphere project while the University
of Chicago developed and contributed an interface to Interactive
Data Language. The channel access client interface continues to
support a large and growing set of extensions to the EPICS toolkit.
The EPICS database records comprise another clean extensible interface, especially after the APS team defined and implemented an interface to separate the input/output records and the hardware driver software layer. Many new record types have been developed including signal select, data compression, timer, sequence, interlock, fanout, magnet setpoint, beam position monitor, etc. Almost every institution that has subsequently used EPICS responded to the clean hardware driver interface by contributing dozens of additional drivers for a multitude of hardware types and modules. APS produced the GPIB and Bitbus drivers supported under EPICS or a small independent operating system (HideOS). The CAMAC driver was built and then improved by a collaboration between TJNAF (formerly CEBAF), the Duke University FEL team and LANL. CAMAC is used as the primary I/O interface for the 100K channel central control system for the recirculating beam superconducting linac at TJNAF and for the proton storage ring at LANL. ProfiBus and Siemans HI bus drivers were produced by DESY for use on the cryogenic controls at HERA. The CANbus has been implemented by DESY, Royal Greenwich Observatory (RGO) and BESSY for use on the Synchrotron Light Source and industry pack support has been produced by DESY and LANL.
Many programs that were using EPICS to build and
integrate control systems needed to develop and run the code on
their local Sun, H/P, DEC, UNIX workstation platforms. Many ports
of EPICS to different platforms resulted: The port of the channel
access client codes and development platform to Solaris was done
at the RGO; to HPUX at TJNAF; to DEC UNIX at the University of
Chicago and SLAC; the database is being ported to LynxOS at
NASA Langley, and the channel access client was ported to Windows
95 and Windows NT at LBL. Changes to the original Sun UNIX installation
procedures were extensive and resulted in clean, documented and
easy to use procedures to build and install EPICS systems at new
sites. Today, APS provides EPICS software distribution to many
R&D institutions and a significant part of the documentation
support on the Internet for the EPICS community. The balance of
the EPICS documentation is served on the WWW from LANL and TJNAF.
This fully distributed system with no single point
of system failure took long strides toward demonstrating reliability
in continuous facility operation. EPICS, used for HERA cryogenic
controls for monitoring 6000 channels by 5 IOCís, has run
without rebooting for their eleven month operational cycle. At
Argonne and CEBAF the majority of IOCs run reliably[3][4]. One
reliability issue occurs when the front end controller is left
with too little available memory. This is easily resolved by dividing
the application into two IOCs or adding memory. The other issue
occurs when sub-bus controllers, particularly the bitbus controller,
gets hung and requires a reset on the VME bus. This problem has
been traced to a defect in the controller's bitbus interface chip.
Most installations do not experience these problems. The EPICS
collaboration and toolkit is currently in use at over 50 installations
and has provided improved control system reliability and significant
cost savings.
Project #signals #IOC #workstations status
APS 175,000 130 IOC 20 ws Mostly reliable*
HERA Cryo 6,000 4 IOC 1 ws reliable operation
Tesla Test Inj 600 4 IOC 2 ws reliable operation
KeckII 1,500 2 IOC 2 ws reliable operation
PSR 2,500 4 IOCs 6 ws reliable operation
Duke FEL 2,500 6 IOCs 3 ws reliable operation
PEP II RF 8,400 8 IOCs 2 ws 80% complete
BESSY 15,000 15 IOCs 4 ws construction
1APS Beamline 15,000 22 IOCs 10 ws reliable operation
CEBAF 125,000 40 IOCs 8 ws Mostly reliable**
* a bitbus controller mishandles comm. errors and requires a VME reset
** memory fragmentation causes ca-client connections
to be refused when IOCs are run with over 7,000 process records
on 16 MegRAM
During the period where large user facilities were
joining the collaboration, many incremental changes occurred to
make EPICS easier to configure, more secure, and more portable.
Channel access improvements supported data communication connections
across a wide area network allowing users to access data even
though the data source (server) was not on their local area network.
This provided support for more widely distributed control networks
as well as providing the ability to improve system communication
bandwidth by isolating network traffic on sub-nets while still
providing integrated access to the data. Shortly afterwards access
control was added to channel access to provide a level of data
and control security. The original access control evolved at APS
and LANL to provide data security for facility parameters that
need to be protected from read or write access by some users or
locations during specific modes of operation. Graphical tools
for database definition with hierarchical capability and multiple
instantiation were developed to simplify and speed the conversion
of the nearly 100,000 channels in the TJNAF control system to
EPICS. The ability to have a database make references to data
in other databases without concern for their location on the network,
the ability to change channel addresses and data links during
operation and to directly load database and record types in an
ASCII format all provide more powerful and flexible logic definition
to the application engineers. This work was done in a collaboration
with the controls groups of KEK, LANL, and APS. These functions
became even more important as large user facilities became operational.
The early EPICS tools were adequate for construction
and testing physics research facilities, however, they were not
adequate for commissioning complex accelerator facilities and
telescopes. New facility commissioning tools were needed. In response,
the APS community developed a suite of command line tools based
on Self Describing Data Sets (SDDS)[5] with modular functions
that could be linked together to provide quick turnaround data
acquisition, data analysis, visualization, and high-level control,
such as bumps, global orbit correction and ad-hoc experiments.
Tcl/TK user interfaces have been built on top of these SDDS tools
to make them more friendly for operators. TJNAF is developing
interactive graphical tools to provide similar data analysis functions
modeled on the high level tools at SLAC[6]. In addition,
TJNAF has developed a model server called ARTEMIS and integrated
this beamline model with their EPICS real-time data system. The
late conversion of the TJNAF control system to EPICS delayed the
development of these commissioning tools until recently. KEK on
the other hand, has already interfaced their modeling code, SAD,
to the EPICS system for use during operation at TRISTAN in preparation
for the KEK B-factory[7]. These commissioning tools have been
successfully used to identify and determine the root cause of
beam control problems within an operations shift and to optimize
beam control parameters.
As these high-level tools have been developed, the
need to provide data abstractions at a level higher than the individual
control system channels provided by channel access and to integrate
non-real-time data, such as beamline configuration, became apparent.
TJNAF developed an application program interface (API) called
common devices, CDEV[8], that provides this level of abstraction.
For example, using CDEV all the separate data and control channels
used to power, cool, control and monitor a power supply and a
beamline magnet could be represented by a higher level abstraction
that can be named as a single object, e.g., "quad n".
This level of abstraction simplifies the interface between a beamline
model and the control system by hiding the hardware and data dependencies
associated with a particular instance of the power supply connected
to a coil with its associated cooling and power, etc. CDEV currently
supports the channel access client as well as CORBA bindings.
It also provides the ability to re-map the control system name
space thus keeping high level applications from being modified
when the low level organization changes. This interface is viewed
as a mechanism to make high level applications shareable even
at installations that do not use EPICS. A distributed client/server
based archiver and the X-based display manager are both slated
to use this interface. CDEV itself continues to evolve with a
higher level of organization in the form of collections of devices
in a future release.
Learning to work together effectively was a significant
ingredient in the success of this work[9]. It became evident that
research programs needed to be able to do independent system development
to meet the requirements of their projects. The clean interfaces
that make many of the extensions simple to add are a portion of
this success[10]. The resource to reintegrate this work is provided
by the APS controls group. The support for learning, installing,
extending and trouble shooting the system is provided by all experienced
members of the collaboration. KEK supports other projects in Japan,
APS supports their many beamline users, CEBAF supports their experimental
users, central project groups in large distributed collaborations
like the Gemini telescope and the BaBar detector support the multitude
of universities that are associated with them. It is impossible
to quantify the value of this working relationship, but nearly
all members will point to this cooperation and support as one
of the major benefits of using EPICS.
During this phase of the collaboration, we successfully
learned how to effectively co-develop software to port the tools
to various platforms and environments, to provide clean interfaces
for extending the tools, and to effectively employ the expertise
of the collaboration members. The fundamental architecture was
demonstrated to scale up to a 100,000 signals distributed over
more than 100 single board computers with up to 30 operator workstations.
60 Hz closed-loop control, distributed interlock implementation,
the use of on-line modeling and adaptive control were all demonstrated
to be supportable in the EPICS point-to-point distributed client/server
model. As the toolkit became more completely developed, projects
began to experience the cost advantages in using the shared development
of EPICS. Most of the initial development costs of implementing
a control system could be avoided by starting with EPICS.
Now that APS and TJNAF are completing commissioning
and beginning operation as user facilities, there is a need for
hundreds of experimenters to have simultaneous access to current
accelerator parameters and historical data. Since these data requests
connect directly to the front-end computers controlling the process
in the present architecture, the additional data communication
load could impact the operation of the facility. Providing a gateway
to concentrate requests for current data from multiple clients
would allow many users to access data from the primary control
network while limiting the impact of these many connections on
the control network. This gateway has been implemented by APS
and is under test. Hundreds of users will be able to observe data
from the gateway while only one connection is made to each of
the data sources in the control network. The additional latency
introduced by a gateway is not critical as these users do not
require high performance, real-time operation. The collection
and distribution of archived data raises other issues. DESY has
successfully used CORBA to distribute archived cryogenic system
data. More stringent performance requirements may lead TJNAF to
develop new archive data visualization tools that can correlate
large numbers of channels of current and historical data.
Another major change in EPICS will soon create an
interface in place of the previous tight bond between the process
database and the database server. Responding to user requests
for the ability to serve data from legacy data stores, to serve
data from the various workstations on a control network, and to
serve data from alternate operating systems; a portable channel
access server[11] has been developed under a distributed computing
environment, DICCE, grant. This module defines a new system interface
that allows legacy or other non-EPICS control systems to serve
data to any EPICS client. It also enables processes, such as analysis
or modeling programs, running in workstations on the control network,
to supply data to displays, archivers or other clients. In the
current alpha release, this server runs under Solaris and provide
the ability to connect other data stores into EPICS. The portable
server is being ported to VxWorks to replace the existing channel
access server. With this new capability, it will be possible to
integrate existing systems and other data-stores (such as relational
databases) and to port the EPICS database into other operating
systems such as Windows NT, LynxOS, or UNIX.
Small experiments or independently developed components
need a control system solution that is packaged as a single box
with no expensive components required for software or hardware,
yet which is able to integrate into a larger facility or distribute
it's data. Presently the minimum sized EPICS system is one client
(workstation) and one server (a single board CPU running VxWorks)
with some I/O modules. In the future, we plan to develop a single
computer solution for small data/control applications while maintaining
the client/server architecture so that the single computer application
can be easily integrated into a larger control environment if
and when it becomes necessary.
If we are to make all the control system data available
to the desktops of physicists, commissioners and engineers, the
current support for data to PCs through an X-client will need
to be expanded to include native visualization tools under windows
NT and windows 95. Extremely large systems, such as slow control
for detectors with over a million signals, present new challenges
in configuration management and distributed name resolution. The
challenges in performance and labor cost for systems another order
of magnitude larger than those operational today is being studied.
Graphical configuration tools and relational database configuration
tools have replaced some of EPICS original text-based tools to
improve user friendliness and to respond to the demands for configuration
control at large facilities. Specialized tools are being developed
for accelerators, detectors and astronomy applications. Tools
to provide data to users on any platform on the network are also
being developed. There is continual improvement aimed at reducing
the manpower required to define and maintain applications while
providing users with more convenient desktop access to their data.
As industry provides higher speed and higher accuracy
hardware as well as lower cost platforms, the collaboration continues
to take advantage of these developments. Originally, we used VME,
GPIB, and Allen-Bradley industrial I/O. As other institutions
joined, industrial offerings changed, and existing systems were
integrated, support for CAMAC, VXI, Bit-Bus, and serial devices
were added. Future support will be provided for the PCI and compact
PCI bus with the IOC software running in industrial PCs. The extensible
driver interface in EPICS has enabled any user to add I/O support.
The APS has taken advantage of FDDI and Ethernet hubs to increase
network bandwidth. ATM is also becoming a cost effective answer
to increasing network bandwidth. As a result, any new and promising
technology (as well as old existing technologies) can be easily
The collaboration has successfully extended the base
set of tools by taking advantage of well defined interfaces and
productive cooperation. Todayís core set of EPICS tools
has been successfully used at green field sites and existing facilities
with up to 160,000 signals controlled by 100 single board computers
with 30 operator interface terminals spread over 3 kilometers
in accelerator control, particle detectors, astronomy and other
research areas. Minimally funded projects have been able to use
high performance, distributed control technology. A large and
diverse group of projects have found a common set of capabilities,
but more importantly, they found the means to extend the core
set and then reintegrate the extensions into a more capable toolset.
The modular architecture allows continuous developments that eliminate
obsolescence. Through the combined efforts of many institutions
we continue to extend control system capabilities, reduce costs,
and employ new technologies.
[1] J.O.Hill, Channel Access: A Software Bus for the LAACS, International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS), October 30 - November 3, 1989, Vancouver, British Columbia, pp. 352-355.
[2] L.R.Dalesio, The LAACS Database: A generic Instrumentation Interface, ICALEPCS, Oct. 30 - Nov. 3, 1989, Vancouver, B.C..
[3] D.J. Ciarlette, Operational Experience from a Large EPICS based Accelerator Facility, presented at ICALEPCS, Oct. 1995, Chicago, Illinois. Session Th2-c*.
[4] K.S.White, Operational Experience with the CEBAF Control System, poster presented at ICALPECS, Oct. 1995, Chicago.,IL. Session F-PO-64*
[5] M.Borland, Doing Accelerator Physics Using SDDS, UNIX and EPICS, presented at ICALEPCS, 1995, Chicago, IL. Session Th3Be*
[6] S.Schaffner, et. Al., A Generalized Correlation Plot Package for CEBAF, poster presented at ICALEPCS, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 1995, Chicago, IL Session W-PO-31*.
[7] T.Mimashi, et.al., Feedback Controls for the TRISTAN Light Facility, poster presented at ICALEPCS, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 1995, Chicago.,IL. Session W-PO-28*
[8] J.Chen, An Object-Oriented Class Library for Developing Device Control Applications, presented at ICALEPCS, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 1995, Chicago.,IL. Session M4Ba*
[9] M.Knott, Communication in Support of Software Sharing and Collaborative Development, presented at ICALEPLCS, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 1995, Chicago.,IL. Session Th3-Bc*
[10] L.R.Dalesio, et.al., Distributed Software Development in the EPICS Collaboration, presented at ICALEPCS, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 1995, Chicago, IL Session Th3Ba*
[11] J.O.Hill, A Server Level API for EPICS, presented at ICALEPCS, Oct. 29 - Nov. 3, 1995, Chicago, IL. Session W1Ab*
* at: http://adwww.fnal.gov/www/icalepcs/abstracts/icalepcs_abstracts.html