A copy of the abstract should be the first paragraph of the paper.
This document presents the recommendations for the format of the papers for Linac 96. The paper or Word version gives a correct representation of these guidelines. There is one major innovation for the proceedings this year in that electronic publishing on WWW and CD-ROM will be tried out in parallel with the traditional paper version. Electronic publishing will require extra work from the authors as well as a certain discipline. The results should be worth the effort and will give a wider dissemination of the proceedings.
Authors are encouraged to use MS-Word in one of its many available versions for PC or Mac to produce their manuscripts. If the use of MS-Word is not possible, other word processing packages can be accepted (Word Perfect, FrameMaker, LaTeX, etc.) but in this case please contact the proceedings editors.
Additional information and templates can be found at: http://www.cern.ch/Linac96/Proceedings/Proceedings.html/.
Manuscripts must be in English and printed on one side of good quality standard A4 (21. x 29.7 cm) or US letter (8.5 x 11 in.) paper. There should be two columns per page with each column 8.9 cm. (3.5 in.) wide separated by 0.4 cm. (0.17 in.) and each column 24.1 cm (9.5 in.) high except on the first page. The left/right margins must be balanced around the text as should the top/bottom margins.
Times font or one of its derivations should be used for the text except for mathematical symbols which use Symbol font. The main text should be in 10 point and result in between 6 and 8 lines of text per inch. References may be typed in 9 point. Standard proportional fonts as supplied with your word processing package are recommended otherwise you may have to supply downloadable fonts. Do not leave lines between paragraphs and indent paragraphs by 5 spaces.
Print quality should be at least 300 dpi and be of laser printer quality. You will be required to submit a camera ready copy of your manuscript which will be reproduced full size in the printed proceedings and one additional identical copy for the editors use.
Please use the available templates and contact the editors if you need assistance in producing your manuscript.
The title, in capital letters, should be centered at the top of the first page and be centered between the left and right margins. Use 12 point bold font for the title. Leave one line between the title and the text for all authors and affiliations which should be in 10 point font and again centered. Leave one line between the title block and the body text which follows in the two column format. Footnotes should be avoided and acknowledgments of support given at the end of the paper only.
Headings are to be in boldface centered on one line with a clear line before and after the heading.
Subheadings are to be in boldface and left justified. Leave again one clear line before and after the subheading.
Sub-subheadings. Sub-subheading should be indented and in bold face. Leave one clear line before a sub-subheading and continue the text on the same line as the sub-subheading.
Place figures and tables as near as possible to their first reference in the text. Lettering should be large enough to be easily read in your manuscript.
Figures should be cited (see Fig. 1), be preferably only one column wide and have its caption below it. 9 point font may be used for figure captions. Leave one clear line before a figure and after the caption. If needed clear, glossy black and white photographs should be mounted in their final position and final size in the text but scanned embedded images are better.
Tables should be cited (see Table 1) and titled as shown below. However, very short and simple tables can be inserted as text without citation. Again, leave one free line before and after a table.
References must be cited in the text [1] and listed in a section called "References" at the end of the paper. References should be numbered sequentially in the text
Each equation should be centered on a separate line. Word processed equations are preferred. Hand lettering in black ink can be used but there is no guarantee that these equations will be inserted into the electronic versions. Equation numbers must be sequential and appear at the right hand margin of the column. For the electronic version we request GIF or EPS images of the equation blocks to avoid corruption of your work.
Number each page lightly on the back with a blue pencil with the paper number and page number (no page numbers on the printed text).
For the electronic versions of the Proceedings, we ask authors to provide us, where possible, with:-
Invited papers are limited to five (5) manuscript pages. Poster presentations to three (3) pages.
Poster papers submitted but not presented or adequately represented at the conference will not be published.
PDF or PostScript files for the electronic version of the Proceedings should not exceed one 1.4 Mbyte diskette.
There are no exceptions to these rules.
Authors should check that these guide lines have been adhered to before submitting their papers to the editorial desk at the conference. Each author is requested to submit the following in an envelope :-
Floppy disk(s) marked with session number containing:-
(Compressing of the files should not normally be needed. Certain graphics file formats are very large, check this and convert to GIF where possible.)
The envelope should be marked with the:-
All commercial trade marks are acknowledged. Thank you for helping us to try and make a success of the Proceedings and the experimental electronic versions. Please e-mail your queries to L96proc@www.cern.ch (or charles.hill@cern.ch or maurizio.vretenar@cern.ch).
[1] J.H. Billen, F.L. Krawczyk, R.L. Wood and L.M. Young, "A New RF Structure for Intermediate-Velocity Particles", Proc. 1994 Int. Linac Conf., Tsukuba, p341 (1994)