
Measurement of Short Bunches

D.X. Wang

CEBAF, 12000 Jefferson Ave., Newport News VA 23606


With the recent development and advances of accelerator technologies, particularly successful development of RF photoinjectors, very short electron bunches are being generated in order to meet stringent requirements such as small energy spread, low logitudinal emittance, and precise timing, for various application, such as FEL, linear collider operating at very high RF frequencies, studies of interactions between short electron bunches and electromagnetic radiation, and advanced accelerator researches. Measuring longitudinal profile and monitoring rms bunch length are essential to understanding bunching process and beam dynamics and operating such short bunch machines. In this paper, various methods of bunch length measurement for short bunches in a scale from a few tens of femtosec to a picosec in rms value, are discussed and their advantages and disadvantages are compared. Practical and cost effective approaches to measure and monitor such short bunch length are described in detail and recent measurement and simulation results are presented.
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sln 18 March 1996