
SLC Status and NLC Design and R&D

T.O. Raubenheimer

SLAC, Stanford, USA


In this paper, we will first review the status of the Stanford Linear Collider (SLC). In particular, we will discuss the luminosity and performance issues and the accelerator studies that relate to future linear colliders. Next, we will describe the present state of the Next Linear Collider (NLC) design and the ongoing R&D effort which is, in addition to the work at the SLC, supporting the design. This includes extensive ground motion measurements to verify the required stability, measurements of the dipole wakefields to verify the performance of the Damped-Detuned accelerator Structures (DDS), and tests of the RF structure BPMs that are needed to align the structures to the beam trajectory. It also includes the development and fabrication of the X-band structures, klystrons, and RF pulse compressors that are needed to accelerate the beams with gradients in excess of 50 MV/m.
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sln 30 April 1996