
The Design of High Luminosity µ+µ- Colliders

R. Palmer, J. Gallardo

Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, Long Island, NY 11973, USA


Parameters will be presented for a 2 + 2 TeV µ+µ- collider with a luminosity of 10µ35 cm-2sec-1. A 30 GeV 15 Hz proton source is used to make low momentum pions on a heavy target. A hybrid (Bitter plus superconducting) 20 Tesla solenoid is used to capture the pions, and a linac phase-rotates them as they decay in a 5 T solenoidal channel. The muons are cooled to a normalized emittance of 50 mm mrad in 24 stages of ionization cooling, and accelerated in pulsed or recirculating accelerators. Collisions occur in 1000 turns in a separate collider ring with a 3 mm ß insertion. Lattice design, beam stability and detector background from µ decay will be discussed. Parameters of a lower energy collider will also be presented.
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sln 11 March 1996