ATF Linac Commissioning
H. Hayano
KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
Accelerator Test Facility ( ATF ) is under construction in the TRISTAN Assembly Hall consists of 1.54 GeV S-band Linac, beam transport line, damping ring and exxtraction line for linear collider R&D. The S-band Linac is an injector of the damping ring supplies a multi-bunch beam train which is 0 bunches with 2x1010 electrons/bunch and 2.8 ns bunch spacing. The newly developed techniques which are high gradient accelerating unit, precise alignment system, beam energy compensation system, compact modulators, multi-bunch beam monitors are introduced. The commissioning of the linac was held on November 1995. The beam experiment on a high gradient acceleration and a beam energy compensation for the transient beam loading are performed. The result of these experiments will be shown.
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sln 25 March 1996