Upgrade to the 8-GeV Electron Linac for KEKB
A. Enomoto
KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
In FY 1994, the B-Factory project at KEK (KEKB) was initiated as a five-year program. The KEK/PF linac has been providing 2.5-GeV electrons and positrons into both the PF ring and the TRISTAN/AR ring. Adding to these injections, for KEKB, full-energy beams are to be injected from the linac into 8-GeV electron and 3.5-GeV positron collider rings. The main goal of the injector linac is to achieve the energy upgrade from 2.5 GeV to 8 GeV, as well as to increase positron intensity, while maintaining routine
operation for the PF users. By the end of FY 1996, the rf source of the existing linac will be upgraded through its 40 accelerator units; a positron production target and the positron focusing system will be
installed at the higher energy point; and, an expansion building will be completed for increasing the number of accelerator units from 40 to 57.
This report covers recent progress and the remarkable activities regarding the energy upgrade and positron beam improvements.
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sln 15 March 1996