
CEBAF, A Status Report

Bruce M. Dunham

CEBAF, Newport News, VA USA


CEBAF, the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, is a 4 GeV, 200 [micro]amp CW electron accelerator that recirculates the beam five times through two superconducting 400 MeV linacs. Electrons can be extracted from any of the five recirculation passes and simultaneously delivered to the three experimental halls.

As the commissioning stage of CEBAF nears completion, CEBAF is becoming a fully operational machine. Experiments in Hall C have been underway since November 1995 with beam powers of up to 100 kW at various energies. Hall A is expected to come on line in the spring of 1996, with beam to Hall B to follow in the fall. Accelerator uptimes of greater than 70% during physics runs and excellent beam quality have contributed to making CEBAF a world class laboratory for accelerator-based electromagnetic nuclear physics. With the high performance of the superconducting RF cavities and excellent beam quality, machine upgrades to 6 GeV, and eventually 8 to 10 GeV are now in the planning stages. Operational and commissioning details concerning all aspects of the machine will be discussed.

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sln 19 March 1996