Linacs and Related Facilities in the USA


BerkeleyLBNL e- : 50 MeVALS injector
e- : 4 MeV (RTA)Power source for LC
LivermoreLLNLe- : 165 MeVe+ production and research
e- : 19 MeV (FXR)X-ray production
e- : 6 MeV (ETA)Radiography development
e- : 5 MeV (AXF-0)Injector for FEL + Laser Acc.Exp.
Los AngelesUCLAe- : 15 MeV (SATURNUS)Beam Physics Studies
MontereyNPSe- : 100 MeV Education and research
StanfordSLACe-/e+ : 52 GeV (SLC)Linear collider
e- : 15 GeV (LCLS) X-ray FEL
e- : 630 MeV (NLCTA)Test Facility for LC
SSRLe- : 120 MeVInjector for SPEAR
Universitye- : 50 MeV (SCA)FEL
University, SPFELCe- : 33 MeV (SUNSHINE) Research sub-picosecond

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sln 14 November 1996