
Review of New Developments on the Field of Induction Linacs (Electrons & Ions)*

Simon Yu

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California


Induction accelerators have been designed and constructed for a variety of applications involving high peak power and high current. Heavy ion fusion, high power free-electron-lasers, radiography, and two-beam-accelerators to power high-gradient linear colliders, are some recent examples. Design considerations of high efficiency and cost effectiveness are central to all applications.

In addition, they face similar intense beam dynamics challenger (beam-breakup suppression, emittance preservation, head-to-tail energy flatness, etc.).

In this talk, we review recent progress in experiments and theory of space-charge dominated beams, as well as advances in pulse power and induction core development, together with their implications for various ion and electron machines.

* This work was supported by the Director, Office of Energy Research, Office of Fusion Energy, U.S. Dept. of Energy, under Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098.

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sln 18 March 1996